barbell query


Active Member

Time for my first post! I just bought a FIRM tape where it says the barbell is optional. I don't agree but anyway.. I've never used one but I notice that the FIRM's barbell is shorter, like a body bar, while Cathe seems to use a longer barbell. Doe this have any significance? If I were to buy the shorter one, would it be the more difficult to use with a tape that uses a longer one? Does anyone have any experience with this?Thanks!

Hi Marcia

Congratualtions on your first post..careful, it can be addicting

As far as endurance and moderate strength work with a barbell..I love it!

The only downside to it I have is I seem to have outgrown it for heavy weight work. As I gained strength I found the longer bar (I have a 6 footer..wish it was the 5) helped with balance during the lift with the heavier weights. I also ran into a problem with my squat racks. I have two free standing racks I can place on either side of my bench for chest presses or I can use them for squats. Having a shorter barbell makes it difficult to have enough space for the bar to rest and placement for my hands. The longer bar is also more stable while changing weight plates because I can spread the stands apart more.

If you don't have squat racks that let you lift heavier and you stick with the weights that you can safely lift over your head, you will certainly have no problem with the Firm bar in Cathes PS tapes. If you aren't concerned with any of the issues I had with heavier weights, I would say go for it, it is a great barbell. Otherwise, if you are frugal, look for a good deal on a 5 footer and nice pad to wrap around it for squats. I will warn you, if you hang around here too long...we will have you talked into all of them. I own three barbells at the moment
and somefolks have more! hehehe good luck and let us know how you are doing


Hi Nancy,
Can you please tell me how much the 5ft. barbell weighs? I own both a 5 & 6, but tend to use my 5 ft more for the Cathe & Firms. This would help TREMENDOUSLY as then I'll know how much to record what I'm lifting!!!!! Thanks in advance!
Not Sure:O(

How is that for an unhelpful answer LOL!
Hi Myra,
I don't know what any of my barbells weigh. I actually just count the weight I place on them.
It's quicker for me. I make notes next to the sets I do in my log...EZ-EZ curl, F-Firm, BB-big bar
and mark down the plate weight. The bars I use at the gym are different too..they are the ones with the big ends for the plates with larger holes. I can actually have 3 different weight amounts to load on the bars for a bench press but still be doing the same weight total depending on where I am and which bar.

You are probably thinking "how can that be quicker with all those numbers" but I am terrible with math and numbers, if I had to think on my feet which bar weighed what and then add the right weight for it..I would go nuts. I just look at the last time I used that bar and the weight that was on it.

That number will look smaller in your log, but it is only a number. I chuckle at my chest press weight at the gym...I have been told that the bar weighs you can imagine what my plate weight is;O). Happy Lifting!


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