Well, it has been almost 3 months since my D&C and I am amazed at how long my body is taking to get back to normal. If I ever get back to normal.
I have got acne worse than when I was a teenager. The cystic kind.It hurts and it is huge! Even bacne! (EEEWWWW, TMI). Either I am crying or homicidal or both on a daily basis, sans the 5 days of my period. Actually, it feels like really bad PMS 25 days a month. Hubby has noticed it too. Since I struggled with depression before, this is either post partum depression, major depression getting worse, or just your normal hormonal problems after miscarriage. First cycle post was 35 days, 2nd 40 days so I am moving in the wrong direction for a previous 28 day cycler! First AF was heavier and longer, 2nd heavier but shorter. Not even sure if I am O'ing. Just absolutely NOTHING seems the same. My body really let me down. I was so healthy otherwise, at 31 I really did expect to bounce right back!:-(
Do you guys think if I went back on BCP's that the hormones would regulate? I figure the doc would either suggest that or antidepressants. I already have those. But I know the BCP's would help my acne too.
For those of you that went through a MC, did you experience this? These just don't seem like your average run of the mill mood swings. I mean, one day I am OK, things look OK and I am sure about TTC again and then BAM the next day I can barely get up and sit and cry all day for every reason imaginable, but mostly because I just feel so hopeless. What gives??
I have got acne worse than when I was a teenager. The cystic kind.It hurts and it is huge! Even bacne! (EEEWWWW, TMI). Either I am crying or homicidal or both on a daily basis, sans the 5 days of my period. Actually, it feels like really bad PMS 25 days a month. Hubby has noticed it too. Since I struggled with depression before, this is either post partum depression, major depression getting worse, or just your normal hormonal problems after miscarriage. First cycle post was 35 days, 2nd 40 days so I am moving in the wrong direction for a previous 28 day cycler! First AF was heavier and longer, 2nd heavier but shorter. Not even sure if I am O'ing. Just absolutely NOTHING seems the same. My body really let me down. I was so healthy otherwise, at 31 I really did expect to bounce right back!:-(
Do you guys think if I went back on BCP's that the hormones would regulate? I figure the doc would either suggest that or antidepressants. I already have those. But I know the BCP's would help my acne too.
For those of you that went through a MC, did you experience this? These just don't seem like your average run of the mill mood swings. I mean, one day I am OK, things look OK and I am sure about TTC again and then BAM the next day I can barely get up and sit and cry all day for every reason imaginable, but mostly because I just feel so hopeless. What gives??