Active Member
I'm 38 wks pregnant and I just can't wait to begin my Cathe DVD's again! Only due to a lot of back pain beginning at 5 months, I quite working out. Not even walking! I have to be so out of shape and I think jumping back into my DVD's is going to be very difficult. Does anyone have any suggestsions as to how to ease back into this......and when? Are there easier videos that I should start with? Also, how long should I wait before beginning my excersise program again? I go back to work after 8 wks and would really like to start excersising as early as possible before heading back to work.....or I won't fit into any of my work clothes. I gained 55 lbs so far and I realize that I won't lose it overnight. But I really don't want to invest too much $$ in new clothes just to get me thru a month. Can someone please give me some guidance?