Baby won't let me put her down!


Has anyone experienced this problem? Maddie is 6 1/2 weeks now and simply refuses to be put down. Basically, one of us has to hold her (or wear her) or she screams bloody murder. We have tried waiting until she is fast asleep and then putting her in her crib as well as putting her in there when she is sleepy but awake, but no go. I also tried comforting her while she is in there, and picking her up and putting her back down, but she still doesn't stop crying. Is this a newborn thing? Will it go away when she gets older? She is colicky, so I wonder if her fussiness has something to do with it. Everyone says babies get a little easier at 3 months, so I am hoping that we can start to deal with this problem then. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Your post reminded me of a book called the Happiest Baby on the Block. I only skimmed/read parts of it, but the author has some opinions about "colicky" baby that might interest you. Also says that newborns like to feel that they are still in the womb by being wrapped tightly. Don't know if this will work for your baby, but again, whenever I hear people say their babies are colicky, I think of this book. The only thing that bothered me about the book was the author's very secular view of the world. Check out this book at your local library, and I hope you find something that works.
I totally understand! My daughter is a need to be held baby, and a sling is/was a MUST!!! Yep she is hooked to me most parts of the day. It was definately harder though around 6 weeks. She is now 3 months old and it's getting better FOR SURE, but I still end up holding for her for hours in the day. I sure don't get much done in the evenings either because of this. But as she is starting to entertain herself - suck her own hand, kick her toys, coo - things are getting better and she has little times where she can be alone ok. Fussiness btw peaks around 6 weeks, I brought it up with my ped and he told me that that was completely normal and to be almost expected. So it should get better, and will. But she isn't truely colicky if she can be comforted. Babies with true colic will scream whether you hold them or not and go on for hours. My advice is realize it's just a period of time to get through, hold your baby, let the laundry go, walk around at the mall with her on you - for YOUR entertainment! , and wait for it to pass. It will pass and I agree 3 months or so it'll get better!

Hang in there! :)
Oh, have I been there!

I think you may have read my response to another question regarding sensitive babies/is it OK to let them cry...

I won't repeat the whole thing, but yes, our 1st little one was the exact same way...she didn't have any medical/feeding,or other problems, but my goodness, she would CRY if i ever tried to set her down!

Again, I won't re-hash our experiences with our girls, since i rattled on in my response to crying, but I would NOT recommend doing anything out of the ordinary (like driving around to get your baby to sleep, using a sling, etc.). These things condition (not spoil) your baby to expect certain behaviors or 'environments' that are unnecessary and unrealistic. If you do these things,you will probably have a lot harder of a time breaking habits of a, say 6 or 9 month old, vs a younger baby.

Of course, I always held and played with our babies, but again, as my pediatrican said "PUT THE BABY DOWN" and go take a shower and brush your teeth!! (i was barely doing that for the first several weeks, since it upset me so to hear her cry!)

It really does get better! Hang in there! All of the books mentioned in previous posts have good info; another one called "babywise" is pretty good. I'm not sure if the "Babywise" ideas can all be applied to a very young baby, but you can certainly do parts of it (we did) to start bringing some semblence of order back into your life!

Good luck, and take care...
My opinion is to do whatever makes your baby feel comfortable at this age. She's just a newborn and needs to feel secure. I would definitely use the sling, hold her, etc. to calm her whenever possible. Swaddling her also might work to make her feel more secure.

I do know how frustrating it is, though. I remember crying from frustration when every time I would set my daughter down when she would finally fall asleep, she would wake up and wail.

When your baby acts like this, it seems like this will last forever, but it really is just a short period of time until babies settle into your life and routine. It's a big adjustment for a tiny little baby coming from the womb into the world!

Good luck!

First of all, there are so many opinions out there and books, the answer is with your own experience. But I do have to agree that parents do "condition" their babies. I did not use a sling because I saw what happened with a couple of friends babies. They couldn't be put down, didn't learn to explore like others did in their early stages. 6.5 weeks is still very much a newborn but at that age it should be fearly easy to put them down. Surround her with rattles, music and flashing lights toys. They love the stimulation;-) Once they see there is other stuff besides you they should be happy being put down. I held my sweetheart plenty but I also introduced her to everything around her too. She is a very happy and curious little chicky (one week shy of 10 months) but she was like that as early as 3 months.
Good luck!!:D

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