Trish, yay compliments! That is great!
FWIW, I ALWAYS get a headache after the dentist. I got smart and now I just schedule an appt w/ my chiro for immediately after my dentist!
Lisa, Julia's fine for me to leave her but honestly, the only person I ever leave her with is Mike. I should leave her w/ others more, but no one offers and I hate to ask. I am NOT good at asking for help. I'd rather just struggle thru. Plus, by the time you get them to a sitter, drop off, errands, pick up, get home....might as well just take em with me and get home faster!
LOL at Pomai being a picky eater! Julia's the opposite! She eats EVERYTHING and I worry that we OVERFEED her. She's like a horse - she'll eat til you take the food away!
Nic day here! One bad thing is Gina is fighting a bug and I'm hoping it doesn't make its way around the house! Bit eats are good, I did my CS, got payroll done, played games, got paperowrk done, and got some bread in the b;machine. Steak n' potatoes for dnner tonight! Mike's been an aweomse hubby and needs a thank-you meal!