<---<<whispers>> good morning!
<---has been awake for an hour
<---'s last hot flash was<---'sundoing!
<---hopes that all of you are nestled all snug in your beds, while visions of the weekend dance in your heads
<---is glad that DH is going to give a friend a pizza dough lesson today; that means that
<---will have the place all to <---self!
<---maybe<---will put on "London Calling" and dance around in <--- underwear.
<---knows "it don't make you Madonna"
<---tiptoes out of thread so as not to wake the OALs
<---has been awake for an hour
<---'s last hot flash was<---'sundoing!
<---hopes that all of you are nestled all snug in your beds, while visions of the weekend dance in your heads
<---is glad that DH is going to give a friend a pizza dough lesson today; that means that
<---will have the place all to <---self!
<---maybe<---will put on "London Calling" and dance around in <--- underwear.
<---knows "it don't make you Madonna"
<---tiptoes out of thread so as not to wake the OALs