Attn: Donna (dss62467)-or anyone, about Exposed


A few weeks or months ago, you posted that you bought a set of skin care products called Exposed. How did it work for you? Do you recommend it?
HI - Yes! It did work for me. I had a couple full-blown zits on my chin, and about 3 that were festering under the skin. When I used the Exposed, the ones that were in their glory went away, but the ones that were festering became full-blown before clearing up. The last one of them is in its last days right now.

I've noticed that I don't have any little blackheads on my nose anymore and that my skin has a nice, healthy glow to it all the time now.

I really like it very much, but at this point I'm going to cancel the "membership". If you enroll in the membership, they send you a new shipment every two months. It's $60, which really isn't too expensive. But I've never had a problem with acne before, so I don't know if it's necessary for me to keep using the stuff. I'm going to be trying something less expensive from Melaleuca (since I'm a preferred member and obligated to buy a minimum amount of product every month). If the acne comes back, I'm definitely going back to the Exposed.
Thank you so much for replying. I think I'll try Exposed. I breakout quite a lot but most products dry my skin. This one seem to be easier on skin.

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