attitude adjust?


New Member
I'm 32 weeks and have not been able to exercise since week 15 because of pelvic pain. I'm really down in the dumps and it's got me mentally wiped out. I recognize what a miracle this little life is, but it's sucking the life right out of me. I want this child, but at the same time I'm resentful of the discomfort and changes in my body.

Any ideas on how to get back the joy? I hate complaining when so many women have a hard time having kids and knowing this child is a blessing in my life, but I feel like a whiney child - 'I don't want to be pregnant any more' (spoken like a tired 3 yr old).
I know how you feel. I've had 3 and I'm a miserable complainer the whole time. I always complain that it feels like a parasite is draining all my energy/reserves. Trust me, once you have the baby, you will get it all back and you'll even forget how bad you felt and eventually want to do it again. I know that's hard to believe right now, but it's true. Hang in there, it'll pass.

Here's something to think on, yesterday I went for my 1st Ultrasound with this pregnancy and the MD could find no cardiac activity. Now I have to have a D&C. I'd give anything for more of the misery of pregnancy right now. Your blessed!!!! (I know you already know that. Just thought you needed a little boost). Robin.
Robin, I don't want to stick my nose in where it doesn't belong here, but D&C? Is that what I think it is? If it is, I'm so sorry!! I hope I'm wrong though and everything is just fine.
Oh, Robin!

I'm sooooo sorry! I know this is an awful time for you!! If you need anyone to talk to, please email me, okay? I can't do anything but listen, but I'll be gald to do that if you need! :(

I'm so terribly sorry!


I love teaching prenatal exercise and working with moms & pregnant women, but I'm not a big fan of pregnancy itself. I have to say, though, that while I was pg with my first, I had this sudden realization that this was just the beginning of things I wouldn't be able to control. Just wait until you have a picky eater or a 2 year old who is going through the "NoooOOOOooo!" stage. LOL... just when you THINK you know how to be an effective parent LOL :) Pregnancy is a HUGE reminder that you'll be living your life for more than just you... and I think it's a hard transition sometimes, but well worth it!

I'm at 27 weeks now, and I feel like my belly is going to explode some days... I have varicose veins, lots of round ligament pain, occasional heartburn, and I'm exhausted this time around (this is my 2nd pregnancy)... yep, I'm a big whiner when I'm pregnant.

It helps to put the time in perspective. 2 months seems like an eternity, but think of what you were doing 2 months ago... seems like it just happened, right? Once your baby is born, you'll lament that the time goes by so fast -- they grow out of the baby stage way to fast!

As for the changes in your body, since you've been an exerciser, your body will get right back into the groove after your pregnancy, even though you're taking a break now. Muscles do have memory!! In the meantime, do you think that your body could handle a water workout? At the YMCA where I work, we have a therapy pool, and I've seen pregnant women just walking laps to relieve the pressure. Treading water or doing laps with a kickboard (if regular kicks help, try a side stroke or frog kick)migh help, too.

I had my son in Feb. 2000... I'd lost all 43 (yes, gulp, 43) lbs. by July of that same year by exercising 4-6 times a week (stroller classes, prenatal/postpartum aerobics, and usually a jog on the weekend) and nursing. I didn't diet, and I felt like I was stronger and in better shape by the end of that 1st summer than I had been when I first got pregnant.

Hang in there :)
Bless your heart for taking time to respond when you are going through such a tough time. Take are of you!

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