article on heavy vs. light workouts


I saw this article and thought it was interesting. Although it's written for men, I think it has some good points about why you should lift heavy during your workouts. For years, I lifted light weights more often than not and saw little results. You really need to push yourself a little bit more each workout in order to see gains.

Some of the article is a bit confusing, but I think the gist of it is true...

Thanks for that good article. I really have to say I am in agreement with that. However:

I think sometimes with Cathe workouts there is confusion. There is a big difference between picking up 12# dumbells KNOWING you can handle, for the workout you are doing, 15# dumbells and simply decreasing your weight because you know with the number of reps in the workout you will be as fatigued as a "heavy" day.
When everyone started talking about "heavy" lifting being where it's at, I started wondering about the effectiveness of, say, Power Hour. Now, obviously, you will use less weight for the lunges in PH than you will for the lunges in S&H. HOWEVER, there are very many more reps of lunges in PH, including low ends and different counts on the reps (i.e., more variation). S&H is simply up and down. Now, for S&H I can handle a 60lb barbell on lunges..shaking towards the end. But if I tried to keep that same weight for PH I would end up falling over. In fact, for PH, I am lucky to keep holding on to 12's and often have to drop all weight for the low ends.

Now, would PH be considered a light day simply because my poundage was less?? I think not. To my legs, there will be no difference between the workouts because the perceived stress is the same, if not higher, for PH as it was for S&H. Some could say that I was wasting my time doing endless reps when only 24-36 were required. Maybe so. But my muscles are still growing.

BUT, if I did PH with no weights because I was just plain lazy or didn't feel like pushing myself, well, then I would say I had a "light" lifting day. See what I mean? And in that case I think muscle building would in fact be out of reach since there was no new stress for my leg muscles.

I don't mean to go off here, I just wanted to clarify my take on this because when articles like this are posted I think many of us here start questioning the effectiveness of some Cathe strength tapes that have many reps and really wonder why we do them. Just wanted everyone to know that I do not think it is wasted time if you really are picking a weight that is going to challenge you in the last few reps....

Very well said Janice! I wholeheartedly agree with you. In fact, I find PH to be more difficult than S&H and PS both, because of the number of reps and all the low ends involved and I could never consider it a "light day" either. I have seen great results from S&H as well as PH.
I haven't looked at the article yet, but my guideline is that the last few reps of a set (or actually the last set of a particular exercise) should be difficult, but still possible, to do with good form--no matter how many reps that is. Of course, lifting heavier weights would be more time efficient because you would be doing sets of fewer reps. I think when one talks about "light weights" or rather "too light weights," it refers more to weights that are so light that you feel like you could do more reps after the end of the set.
I'm back, and I have read the article. The perspective is that of guys who want to get as BIG as they can. Not my goal, so I'll take the advice with a grain of salt. For maximum size gains, it is a standard recommendation to lift very heavy, rest a lot between workouts, and keep cardio to the barest minimum.
I read that article the other day and I was a bit confused for a moment. Then, I realized that it was written for people (specifically men, I assume) who don't know that a day of rest is to be inserted between strength workouts. Just as women frequently lean too heavily on cardio when they first start an exercise program, lots of men tend to lean too heavily on strength training.

With either high rep/lower weight or low rep/higher weight, it's always important to work with enough weight that you're at least seriously struggling at the end of the set. I think the point that he was trying to make was that you need to go all out when you do lift, rest that muscle group completely the next day (or two) and then go all out again. Having a light day after a heavy day is no substitute for rest, nor will it get you where you're going any faster.

Lots of men that I've observed an overheard in conversation aren't aware that they need to address all the facets of fitness with their program. Therefore, they think that it's heavy lifting, or light lifting or nothing. They don't realize that the days between heavy strength workouts can be used for flexibility, balance or cardiovascular training. I'm sorry that this is appearing as one big paragraph. I made paragraphs when I typed it, but it's just appearing as block when I preview. Anybody know how to fix this?
Janice has some excellent points in her posts!

I just wanted to add that while this article is written "for men," we need to remember that it applies to ANYONE trying to get into shape. No matter how heavy a woman lifts, without some sort of "supplement," she is not going to get "big." We may get bigger & more muscular than we want but we won't get big. Janice mentions doing 60 pound bar for lunges. I've seen her picture (by the way janice your picture trail account has expired LOL) & she is by no means "big" or unfeminine. She has GORGEOUS legs! Look at Cathe. She lifts very heavy. We all know how beautiful she is.

We should never be afraid of lifting heavy, as Cathe says "it will do good things for you in the end."
Awwwww...THANKS Deborah!!! My legs (and i say this nicely) look somewhat like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!! Do you guys remember them!! Ok, well, maybe not as defined!!HA!!

Yeah, I know Picture Trail has expired. I just don't want to pay 20.00 for it.LOL!!! I am not smart enough to figure out how to get my little pic posted like Sherry, so I guess I am SOL in the picture dept!! I tried to take the link out of my profile, but I haven't even figured out that yet!!

Must be all that time I have been spending on Video Fitness Fanatics!!LOL!!

Ok, well, I updated my account, so you can see my big legs again!!:):) I am bored with those pics..maybe I can get some new ones on one of these days!!

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