Arthroscopic surgery questions


I'm scheduled for surgery 9/1 and was wondering if anyone could share their experiences with this surgery with me. I'm wondering about recovery time - when you could get around for normal activities as well as when you could get back to exercise. How about driving? I'd love to find out any other details about the surgery and what to expect after it's over.

Hi Erica,

I had arthroscopic surgery on both my knees about 7 years ago. Keeping in mind that your results my vary, here's a bit about my experience and recovery.

After each surgery, my knees were really swollen and bruised. My surgeon had me wear this device which was both a compression dressing and an ice pack pretty much 24/7 for the first 48 hours. I was on crutches but was allowed to put 30% weight within 24 hours (so I could stand in the shower without the crutches). After 72 hours I was encouraged to try and do more weight bearing and to start walking around without the crutches for stretches of time as I could tolerate. I would be careful about driving! If you have an automatic gear shift car, as long as your right leg isn't the one being operated on, it might be okay. But if you drive stick, proceed with caution. My surgeon said the precaution was not so much for normal driving, but if I had to stop suddenly or was startled, the legs tense up (i.e. tend to lock and get stiff, not good) and any stomping on the brake peddle could harm the knee.

I went for a follow up visit about 10 days after the surgery. I was doing very well, and at that point was off the crutches, on to full weight bearing, allowed to walk, and was told to start my rehabilitation exercises. As far as other exercise, heavy weight lifting was out, anything with plyometrics was out, anything which could torque the knee was out. Walking, bike riding, leg exercises, anything upper body was okay. After 4 weeks I was back again for a check up, was doing very well, and was then allowed to return to 'normal' activities as I could tolerate. Normal for me was Cathe videos, both cardio and weights, kickboxing, tennis, etc. In the beginning it was a process of trial and error (this workout I used too much weight and swelled up, this workout I had to eliminate the pivots as I was starting to feel the knee, etc.), but eventually I was able to do everything just as well, if not better, than before the surgery.

It was my experience that while I returned to my previous exercise life style in about 3-4 months post operation, I didn't really feel totally solid in my knees for about another 2-5 months. By solid, I mean that I felt 100% comfortable with all the movements and knowing that the knees would hold up. It's not like my knees hurt, it was just a feeling (sorry it's so hard to describe, it's more an internal feeling than any physical symptom).

After 7 years, I have to say that having the surgeries was one of the best things I ever did in my life. I have no regrets at all. The relief I experienced was nothing short of a rebirth. It gave me a lot of my life back.

Good luck and do keep me posted as to how you're doing! I'm sure it will go terrific!!!!!!
Thanks so much, Sabine, for taking the time to reply! I really appreciate it and am glad that your results from the surgery were so good.

Hi there

I had arthro surgery when I was 12, and I am now 29. I had it done on one knee to reomove a Baker's cyst that was the size of a softball. Anyhow, the ortho doc mad me wear a brace from my hip to my calf when I was up and walking. I wore that for 4 weeks, and I didn't do the exercises due to age and ignorance, my left leg to this day is slightly smaller than than the right. By the way, the exercises were bend at a 90 degree angle then straighten the leg.

As far as today, I have problems with the knee but it's mainly with lunges. However, I override the pain and push myself!

I hope you have great luck and no future problems :7

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