ARGH!!! Why do I suck so bad???


I'm doing a modified P90X rotation (using the X weight work and other cardio).

Last round of the X, I was doing really well with the push-ups. This time I just plain SUCK! I can barely do any on my toes! I'm really disappointed in myself.:(

Thanks for listening.
Shelley, sometimes I just have days where I'm weaker than others. Maybe if you try again in a day or two you'll do better. {{{{{:* }}}}}
Michele - you're a doll. I wish that was it, but it's not. This is my third week of the rotation and it's been like this every time.

Oh well. I guess I should be thankful that I can do the dang thing at all, right?
You need to stop being so hard on yourself, Shelley. It depends on what you eat, it depends on what you drink (vino never helps :) - just kidding), it depends on what time of the month it is.

But seriously, cut yourself some slack, just do the best you can! YOU ARE DOING AWESOME!!!!

OK, Ms Shelly 80 if 90% of the female population in North America could not hardly make it past the warm up in the P90X workouts. These workouts are super tough!! Please stop being so hard on yourself. Just do what Tony says "do your best and forget the rest" Seriously, keep pushing yourself to do your best. I find that mental attitude is a huge factor in what I can and can not do physically. If I tell myself I can only do x number then that's all I will be able to do. (((HUGS)))

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]
Shelley - just some food for thought, and I could be way off base here, but I know when I was doing the "X" and training for a half marathon, it was simply too much for my body. I could do one or the other, but not both. I ended up nixing the half, but now I'm training for a half and nixing the weights and that's working very well. As I said, I could be way off base, but it was a thought. i I have visited-lurked-dreamt and wished a few times.. Congrats Shelley you are my hero. You are doing it...instead of being frustrated psyche yourself up...I am rooting for ya here on my side! I can't wait to read your success. I am proud of you... I am living through ya! (for now);)
Maybe you're overtraining? Take a break and don't be so hard on yourself. How many rest days per week do you have with this rotation? You will get through it.
{{{{{Shelley}}}}} Maybe you are getting old}(

Seriously, who knows why a workout feels so good one day and we can't even make it to the end the next day. Just keep trying and be proud of yourself for that. Love you, sweetie pie.
I agree, it's tough w/ the a lot of running to do the X. I would make sure you're eating a bit more carb than the Phase 1 diet w/ the running. I just stick to the good carbs- oatmeal, brown rice, baked sweet potatoes, high fiber cereal (like Kashi GoLean), etc.

I love pushups, one of my fav things about P90X!! (that and now that I can actually do a pullup ;-)!)
I think everyone who mentioned overtraining has hit the nail on the head, Shelley. Don't be so hard on yourself! Training for a half marathon and heavy weight training really don't go that well together. They have very different goals (endurance vs. strength/power), so you have to work super hard at both of them to make any headway. That just leads to fatigue, burnout, and pain. Cut yourself some slack! You do NOT suck! :)
Hey Shelley!!

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}} I totally understand. I agree that we all go through periods where we struggle with things that came easier last time we did it. It is frustratingx(

I had to take off nearly a year after surgery for a torn rotator cuff. Before my injury, I could pump out toe pushups right along with Cathe. Now, I can barely do a set of 12 without struggling.

I ordered P90X about 4 months ago with the hope of getting back to my pre-injury level but I still haven't tried it (except for ARX). I guess I'm afraid of being disappointed in myself too.

I've never had the pleasure of meeting you in person but I can tell from your posts and pics that you are very fit and DO NOT SUCK! I'll bet you are doing more in one week than most people do in a year (or ever) and you should be proud of that :)

Thanks for your replies, everyone. And yes, I guess I agree that I could be overtraining a bit. The fact that I have PMS and hayfever right now probably doesn't help either:p

I guess I'll be happy with what I can do right now and hope for any improvements that come.

Thanks again!
There you go, beating yourself up again. Knock it off! ;-)

You & I have discussed this before--chest muscles are small & (for me, anyway) & very difficult to build & maintain strength. Also very easy to lose strength. Just keep at it for a couple of weeks, you'll see changes pretty fast!
Ahem. Didn't somebody mention recently that she just might not be getting enough sleep? Hmmmm.
I agree with everyone else, Shelley...besides, just the fact that you're DOING P90X is in itself proof of your fitness level! You GO, girl! :)

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