Are all you Seahawk fans still asleep?


Are are you all hiding under your beds, scared of the Steelers, who are going to whoop you in a couple weeks? Aren't there any Seattle Catheites? Or west coast fitness friends? Let us hear from you for a little good natured banter.
Probably still shaking the rain off of their feathers. It's been really soggy up there. Fortunately, it's a gorgeous sunny day here in California so I can enjoy the STEELERS! win!
GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!! I knew there would be a lot of Steelers posts - but I do love my Hawks - what a great season it has been. I can't wait to watch the SuperBowl!!!
I gotta tell ya...I don't miss a Steelers game because I love them so much! They are playing super hard and everyone is in total sync but watching those Seahawks knees are shaking a little! Seemed like they had to cart off a lot of Panthers last night. Please tell me Panthers are just wimpy!
Sarah -

The Seahawks are just that tough!!! :) hehe....

They are playing great - look at the game last week - they didnt have Alexander for most of the game - and still kicked butt... The Steelers need to be ready!!! :)

Can't wait!!!
I am still mad at Holgrem for leaving the Packers but I do kinda hope the Sea Hawks win. Mike is a great coach, but us Packer Fans had a hard time with his reason for leaving. :-(
Seattle Catheite here! We ain't scared of nobody! I can't believe the Seahawks finally made it to the Superbowl! We're very excited here as you can imagine!

Unfortunately, I am on business travel on Superbowl Sunday (can you believe it?) and I'll be traveling to the east coast during the game! I'm just sick about it! I'll have to have DH tape it for me for when we open up a can of whup a$$ on the Steelers! LOL!


Well, I'm glad to see the poor Seahawks have a few pitiful fans. Can not (!!!) wait for Superbowl Sunday. GO STEELERS.
Even you Seahawk fans have to admit that Betis deserves the ring.
Actually, I am a Seattle Catheites. Grew up in NY, but move here 7 years ago. Being that said, I will be rooting for the STEELERS. Just won't tell anybody around here, since everyone is really hyped up over Seahawks.

I was born and raised about an hour north of Seattle...GO SEAHAWKS!!!!! I'm not afraid to say it already...better luck next year Robin :p :7 ;-)

(eta: my name, my signature line is gone!)

My son moved to Seattle just this month. He said you can't help but become a Seahawks fan because EVERYONE is so into it. He's excited about the sugarbowl and said he's looking forward to the Seahawks whooping up on yall. ha!
I agree Steelers are definitley going to win I lived in pa all my life, love those STEELERS I never miss a game !!!
Sorry Seahawks you all are gonna be losers. This is Bettis superbowl this year GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR!!!!!!

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