April 30, 2015

Cathe Friedrich

Attention Cathe Live Subscribers:

This Thursday, April 30th at 9:15am EST, we will be doing "Boxing w/ Leg Blasts" Live.

First you'll start class gloved up for cardio based shadow boxing combos (no bag work). Then we'll switch gears and do plyo hiit drills mixed with moderate weighted leg work. Get ready to WORK WORK and SWEAT SWEAT!!!

Equipment needed for this workout:

Boxing Gloves (optional but preferred for additional energy & true to form output).

A set of 12 and/or 15 pound hand weights.

See you in the morning!!!
Great workout!! My legs resembled a jell-O mold by the time it was over!! I love the Live workouts, it's so motivating to see how the ladies in her class are changing week to week, they all look fabulous!!

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Just completed this one today. Just LOVE it! DH joined me and just about got through the Leg Blasts portion, lol. The enthusiasm of the class is so contagious .....DH really liked the countdowns. He is now fighting fatty liver disease, so we have be aiming to punch through the visceral fat!!

Many thanks Cathe for making it intense and yet, fun. :)

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