Anyone near Vancouver, WA?

Depends on what you mean by near. . .

I live in Spokane, WA.
I meant "up the freeway" near...

Although, I suppose Spokane is "up the freeway"... just a little further than I was thinking! :eek:) We kind of represent the "far reaches" of Washington state!

I'm a bit closer then Spokane.

Hi Cynthia,
I live in Pt.Townsend. And was born and raised in Tacoma. My husband was born and raised in Spokane.
Where's Port Townsend?

I used to have a good friend who lived in Spokane... haven't seen her in a million years, though. :eek:/

The location of Pt. Townsend

It is up at the farthest northern tip of Puget Sound on the Olympic peninsula. Where the Straits of Quanda Fuqua and the Sound meet. A Vacation spot being a Historical Victorian Seaport. With a population of about 10,000. If you would like to learn and see more about Pt. Townsend go to these two web site. for the city. for Fort Worden.
Come and visit sometime. It is very beautiful. Are you a runner? We have a Rody run in March I believe. I hope to run in it for the first time.
I live in Vancouver

Hi Cynthia,
Yes, I live in Vancouver Wa. You mean there is another "Cathe" person right here in town? :0
Hey neighbor!

I'm actually shocked myself! I thought I might find someone in Seattle or maybe even Portland...but in Vancouver?

I have to admit (head low...) I'm not an official "Cathe Person" :eek:)... I just found this site a bit over a week ago, and have been deliberating over whether or not I could even *use* them, since I haven't been working out long, and am having to take it easy on some bad knees. (I didn't realize until visiting the site that her tapes are really for advanced exercisers.) I have a tape by a gal named Becky Tiribassi, 4 Firm tapes (SBHT, Fat Burning, Fat Blaster and BBB,)and as of yesterday, 2 Karen Voight tapes (the hubby just brought them home yesterday.) The gals here have really been encouraging me to "just do it" and try Cathe's...I'm still working up the nerve, I suppose. (Can't afford to buy something I wouldn't be able use. :eek:/ )

I live in Ridgefield! What area of Vancover are you in? Although my husband has recently jumped on the bandwagon with me (he's doing my tapes!) I don't have any friends who are into this *at all*. The one lady I know (my neighbor) is really into fitness at *all* takes (well, past tense -- *took* -- she's stopped since buying a business,) Tae-boxing and step classes through community education, and she barely managed to *humor* me when I shared a Firm tape with her. :eek:) So I'm *thrilled* to think there's someone close by who can relate!

Please feel free to email me. :eek:)

Cynthia I've got a fix on it..:eek:)

Hi again Lora,

I haven't had a chance to check your links yet, but I definitely will. I'll bet it's beautiful up there!

Runner I *wish*... I've never been able to run because of my knees. I'm looking forward to that changing one day, though. I'm feeling *mighty* positive these days!

Cynthia, did you get my e-mail?

Hi Cynthia,
I am just checking to see if you got my e-mail? I noticed on my address here when I go to reply that it is showing an old e-mail address. So just in case you didn't get mine, here is my new address.
[email protected]
whoops, I gotta go, hope to hear from you

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