Anyone have a fave yogurt maker??


My two sons love yogurt as a snack and I have it all the time for breakfast...and pretty much the only kind around here is either the lite or full flavored fruited yogurts. I would rather make my own, so I know what is in there!!! Also, I recycle but I'd rather not buy single serve containers, or even multiserve when I could reuse what I have.
SO, does anyone out there in Catheland make their own yogurt? I'd love to hear what others have used and their likes or dislikes...opinions from the educated crowd worked for me before (digging my shoes!!!)
take it easy and thanks to all who may reply!
Julie :-D
Love making my own yogurt - anybody see the recall of Stonyfield yogurt this past week??

I've been using this yogurt maker:

It's pretty good, although I had a glass jar break shortly after I bought it, and customer service there is a bit confused. I ordered new jars three times before I actually got any . . .

I wound up using a covered glass container that I bought at Walmart to use with this machine - they don't fit perfectly, but I can make more while I still have a couple in the refrigerator.
I really don't know if the dairy in the milk will make him hyper once it's been turned into yogurt. I do know that those people who are lactose intolerant digest yogurt better than they do milk, and that it is considered a good food to give those who are lactose intolerant. Apparently, the little probiotic bacteria that reside in yogurt begin the digestion process of the milk.

Making your own yogurt is also incredibly less costly than buying yogurt, and it is really very easy to make - with or without a yogurt maker. It's also very good for your digestive system. With all the food recalls lately, I love the fact that I control the making of this food. Unless the milk has been recalled (and I buy my milk from a local dairy farm), it's a safe food.

There are lots and lots of instructions online about how to make yogurt, and it tastes so good. I add a spoonful of honey or maple syrup, jams or jellies, fruits, whatever you like. Just plain is good too, once you acquire the taste.

If you do some searching online, you'll find lots of other positive features of homemade yogurt. One that I really find interesting is that yogurt can actually help reverse the damage done to the liver from alcohol abuse. And, apparently, those yogi's in Pakistan and India who live a very long time eat lots of yogurt.
The short answer to your question is the YOGOURMET yogurt maker, definitely my favorite (and I've had two other kinds).

If you want more details...
I posted most of this in another thread... I don't know how to post a link to it, so I just copied it for you (and added a few notes):

If you want to save $ and have the very freshest possible yogurt with no additives or's very easy to make. Another advantage is that you'll get Vitamin D, which is not in many commercial yogurts (it's typically only added to milk sold for drinking). Also...when you first make yogurt, it does not taste sour, it is almost like cream. So you don't need any sweeteners. I just usually mix in fresh berries, vanilla or almond extract, and top with almonds. Or if I've run out of berries, I use canned pumpkin, cinnamon or pumpkin pie spices, maple syrup or brown sugar, & toasted pecans. I also add a spoonful of ground flax to these.

You can make yogurt without a yogurt maker, but the time would be quite variable and you'd need to find a reasonably warm spot. I think if you're going to make it, it's worth the convenience of knowing exactly how long it will take. I have the Yogourmet yogurt maker (Amazon sells it, as well as other retailers). It makes the whole batch in one big container. I also have a spare container, so I can make the next batch before the first one runs out. I would avoid the ones that make yogurt in individual cups...where would you put your fruit?

You start with milk - pick from non-fat all the way up to whole, or a combination you can't usually find in a store, like half non-fat and half 1% to make a 1/2% yogurt (that's what I often do). You could also use a fresh farm milk if you have access to that (my CSA delivers it). The more fat, the more the yogurt will "gel" on its own. I make two quarts at a time because our family goes through it so quickly. Put the milk in the microwave and heat 'til it JUST bubbles (mine takes ~20 min). Take it out to cool. Remove the skin that formed on top. If you like at this point, options are to add 1/4 cup dry milk per quart (extra nutrition) and/or 1/2 envelope of plain gelatin per quart (that has been softening in a small amount of water while the milk was heating). The gelatin will make it thicker and more "set" if you prefer that consistency (especially helpful if you use very low or nonfat milk). After 1 to 1.5 hrs (depending on ambient temp) it will be cool enough - check with the thermometer in the kit, or your own (~100 to 112 deg)- to add the starter...which is simply a large spoonful of your last batch! (or a commercial plain yogurt with active cultures, if this is your first batch). You don't need to buy those dried envelopes of starter. Just stir some of the warm milk into the spoonful of yogurt in a small bowl until it is reasonably thin, and pour back into the milk. Put all in the yogurt container (you can pour it through a strainer to catch any leftover skin or dry milk clumps if needed), place in yogurt maker (with some water up to line of the outer container), and five hrs later it is done. Put in refrigerator.
If you like the thick "greek-style" yogurt, you can drain this with a strainer/cheesecloth or a "yogurt cheese" kit that you can buy (which is basically the same thing), for a few hrs. If this is the intent though, do not use the gelatin when you make the yogurt.
I just started making our own yogurt a few months ago and we always have a big gallon jar in the fridge now! My DH loves it and my DDs love their smoothies!!! We are saving tons of money making our own too. I just make mine on the stovetop in a pot and let it sit in my cooler (in warm water) until ready!
I second the recommendation for Yogourmet. I bought a glass container for it, as I don't like using plastic (the inner container). I make yogurt at least twice a week.

beautifulsoul- I have a recipe for almond yogurt, if you are interested I will try to find it.
Hello Ladies,

Thank you for all your help with what is a good Yogurt maker.

Magda~Where did you buy a Glass container for the Yogourmet?

I too do not like Plastic.

I would love the recipe for the Almond Yogurt.

I have a Salton 1 quart yogurt maker.

This one comes with a plastic container. I don't use the container it comes with, but instead make it in the quart-size yogurt containers you get at the store. I have several on hand because that's what I use for my starter. They are plastic, however, and I understand not wanting to use plastic. Any glass container the same shape as a quart yogurt container would fit.

You can just use a thermos container, but my results weren't always consistent. I have better results with a yogurt maker.

I go through a quart every 2 days--my kids and I love smoothies. And I love yogurt and berries. It saves $$$$ and you have the control of ingredients.
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