Anyone feel like checking in for Aug. 17th?


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-01 AT 08:48PM (Est)[/font][p]Hope I'm not overstepping any boundaries by posting this since I'm so new here, but I'm getting rather overly enthusiastic about being pregnant and figured I'd go for it :-shy

Anyway, tomorrow begins week 7 for me (on the 10 month plan, that is)and aside from feeling a lot more nap-needing throughout the day I feel totally normal...anxious, a little PMS-like cranky, but normal. Last week I was really crampy, but that seems to have subsided. I keep saying that I want to start throwing up so at least SOMETHING will be happening that makes me believe I'm actually pregnant, but my girlfriends all yell at me when I say that ;-)

My first prenatal appt. is in a little over a week and I'm going to beg them to do an ultrasound--I need to see something, anything that resembles a growing human being so I can relax a little bit.

So all you pregnant women...when does this feeling of anxiety end? At least phase one of the anxiety! And what else, if anything, is supposed to be happening to me??
Hi and welcome! Feel free to post anything you like. We all would love to hear from you and support you in any way we can.

Congratulations on your pregnancy. I remember being at that early stage and thinking the same thing and getting the same reaction from friends. They would say "oh please, don't rush it" or "here, do you want to trade bellies?". It wasn't until I heard the heartbeat at around 11 weeks that I really believed it. Some people are lucky enough to hear the heartbeat even sooner than that.

Be sure to check out our pregnancy section listed at the bottom of our links page. Here are the selections that we have to pick from: Also since you mentioned that you are curious of what is supposed to be happening to you I thought I would post the link for Excites Pregnancy Calendar and you can put in your week number and see whats is store for you :). Good Luck!

Excite's Pregnancy Calendar Excite's Pregnancy Calendar has plenty of information regarding pregnancy and child development. You can actually view pictures and get information during each week of your pregnancy. BabyCenter is your complete resource for pregnancy and baby. Created by parents and reviewed by doctors and other experts. Current articles, answers to thousands of questions, week by week information, baby name finder, connections with other parents online, a huge baby store, and more. A magazine that midwifes you through the trimesters. Special pregnancy workouts. Nutrition plans. Breaking medical news...Plus how to get your body back after delivery. A webpage dedicated to help pregnant women have a healthy pregnancy. Here you can find important information regarding exercising while pregnant, planning for birth and much more

First Nine Months A multimedia journey through the first nine months of an unborn child's life. This site is slow loading, but well worth the wait.

Pregnancy Guide Online Pregnancy Week-by-Week from StorkNet, your online pregnancy resource!

The Labor of Love Pregnancy resource from The Labor of Love. Make friends that last into parenthood. Penpals, message boards, poetry, articles and more!

Child Magazine One of the largest magazines devoted towards raising your child.

epregnancy All through pregnancy - from before conception to after birth, ePregnancy provides you with articles, interactive features, forums and other news, ideas and resources to keep you informed and inspired throughout your pregnant life.

Healthy Moms Sheila Watkins website featuring pre-natal and postpartum exercise and fitness programs for new moms.

Yahoo's Directory of Pregnancy Pages a growing list of pregnancy related sites

And i'm not sure the period of anxiety ever ends... it just transmutes. But I hear ya. The 'no symptom' phase is VERY stressful.

Hi there!

Glad you started a check-in, as I've been a little out of the loop for a bit and it's nice to be back.

First, congratulations on your pregnancy! I, too, went through the same wondering and worrying thing in the beginning of my pregnancy (I'm 19 weeks). I begged my doc to do an ultrasound to see the baby's heartbeat at my first visit and it was wonderful. Don't hesitate to ask. I must admit though, the worrying doesn't seem to end. I'm going in for my first ultrasound on Thursday and I'm still nervous that everything is okay.

I hope everything goes well. Keep us posted.
I hear ya!

I'm at 10 weeks now, and the only symptoms I'm experiencing so far are tiredness and sore breasts. Other than that, nada! It does almost feel like I'm not "really" pregnant. But, of course, I am EXTREMELY thankful that I am not having any morning sickness! Oh, how could I forget, my waist is starting to thicken some, and I can no longer wear my smallest pair of jeans. :( Isn't it a bit soon for that to happen? Am I gaining too much, too fast? I've only gained maybe 3 or 4 pounds....

Can't wait for that heartbeat so I'll know something's really going on in there for sure! My appointment is next week.....
RE: Congrats Everyone!

Congratulations to the newly pregnant ones. Hope you keep on feeling well. You are very lucky if you are not experiencing morning sickness!
Finally, I feel like a human being again. I am so happy! At about 16 1/2 weeks the nausea finally went away and at 17 weeks the headaches went away. The headaches must have been sinus because as soon as construction ended in our house (at least for now) the headaches disappeared. My son and I just got over a nasty summer virus. During my first pregnancy I never once got sick (except 1st Trimester stuff). It was weird not to really beable to take anything to mask the symptoms except Tylenol for fever. Oh well. All done now.
Some of you said you are waiting to feel pregnant. Now I am too again. I'm over the sickness but waiting for some true movements by baby to start. I thought I started feeling something two weeks ago but maybe it was just digestion. I hope soon. I loved that feeling during my first pregnancy.
Take care everyone!

I've responded to you on my post before reading this one, and asked you a lot of the same questions you posted here! So I'm not the only one, then, that isn't experiencing symptoms. Thank the Lord. I thought there may be something wrong with my pregnancy. I, too, am feeling a little bit crampy - almost like I'm going to get my period...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-01 AT 04:29PM (Est)[/font][p]I had the the same crampy feeling during my first trimester too. And other than 1 week of morning sickness that was the only symptom I had.

That all seems so long ago, I only have 6 weeks left to go now!

I know how you feel. I'm 5 weeks and have no symptoms yet. I'm tempted to go get another pregnancy test (I took 2 early on) but I'm trying to be patient. I am also VERY anxious because I've had two losses (one in October last year, one in May this year). Can't wait til my doctor's appointment on September 5th!!

Good luck to all of you!

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