Anyone every lose their navel ring?


I've had one for almost 5 years & I've noticed the skin between the ball screw & my belly button is getting pretty thin. I think it's gonna tear in the not to distant future.

Has this ever happened to anyone? I'm not so concerned about the pain, I don't think it'll hurt much, but I am concerned about what it'll look like. I feel like the piercing makes my stomach look leaner & flatter (this might be psychological, but still.......) & I'm also worried about how it'll look when it heals, & whether I'll be able to get it re-done.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Thanks Kathryn. Still doesn't answer all of my questions though--i.e. what it looks like after it heals, can I do it again, etc. etc.

Still looking for input.........
I don't have any input but I'd suggest having the person that did your piercing (or another tech) take a look to giveyou some advice. Maybe they'll suggest something to prevent it from tearing or give you the alternatives before anything bad actually happens.

Good luck :)
Hi, Laura-

I got my belly button pierced when I was 18 and took out the piercing while pregnant with my oldest (only three years later). The hole closed up some, but I was able to get a new belly ring through when he was 1 and 1/2. I've definitly been told that piercings grow out--everywhere--the nose, eyebrow, etc. You can get it redone.

I kept my belly ring until just a year ago (I'm 29 now) because I lost the ball closing and didn't feel like going out and getting anything new. It just looks like I have a very small pin dimple above my belly button. Not very noticable at all. I don't know what it looks like when it grows out on it's own, though.



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