Anyone ever pump exclusively?


Quick question- just wondering if any of you ladies ever pumped exclusively and didn't actually do any PHYSICAL breastfeeding. Just wondering if this is possible.

Sounds exhausting......after spending 14 days in NICU with my twins I bf'd my girls AND pumped 8 times/day....I was not fond of the pump.

Curious to hear responses to your question...
I did with my son. I have small nipples and he could not latch, despite every attempt on the planet to do so. I pumped for three months exclusively. It was exhausting. ALthough I know that many people feel strongly about the best food beign from teh breast, there is a fine line when exhaustion kicks in. One of the challenges with pumping is that your milk supply is HUGE, so the milk is not that fatty, and not as satisfying for baby. As well, you pump ALL THE TIME! I did it as long as I could, ended up with drug resistant mastitis and was in the ER on vancomycin IV. That is when we switched over to formula. If I could have nursed, I would have. But I found a great relief in formula. Getting sleep. I was pumping and feeding and cleaning all the time, ended up with some bad post partum depression. I must sound terribly negative, but I want you to know that you have someone to reach out to if you want to talk about your choices. I got a lot of criticism in my community for bottle feeding. My son is off the charts bright and very healthy, so I figure that formula did just fine. I am due to have my second baby any day now, and plan on going straight to formula.
Christine, it's difficult for me to believe that anyone would criticize your mothering....YOU ARE SUCH A GREAT MOM!!!!

My nipples are also "petitie". Thankfully, my kiddos have never had problems latching on. My preemies; however, have bee nursed with nipple shields....which I am UNFOND of. I hope to wean them off those soon!
I did! And I'll do the same with my second.

I had/have no interest in breastfeeding. I like the fact that my husband and I can trade overnight shifts and each get some sleep. It's just so much easier for us.

I pumped for about 6 weeks and then went to only formula. I never meant to do it long term, so I just slowly pumped less and less until I didn't need to anymore. I eventually wound up mixing breast milk and formula when my supply started dwindling.
Thanks for the responses! DH and I are about to go off birth control in February and we're going to "see what happens"!!

Honestly, I'm in the same boat as you, Melimcn. I have zero interest in breastfeeding, and would prefer to just do formula, but my mother and grandmother and some friends are sort of pressing me to "try breastfeeding" for even just a few weeks. Intellectually, I know it's better, but I have EXTREMELY over-sensitive breasts and then on top of that, some previous history gives me a negative feeling about anyone touching my chest, and the thought of nursing makes me ill/nervous/stressed.

I was contemplating just pumping for the first 1-6 weeks and then just switching to formula, which it sounds like at least one of you did. However, after reading some of your stories, it also sounds like just going to formula would be less exhausting!!

*Sigh* I guess I'll just see how I feel if/when I get pregnant.

Thank you guys for sharing! :)


Perhaps you could try to pump & feed a couple feedings/day? The collostrum from the first couple days is the most important for your wee-one....after that you can decide if it's something you want to continue with? You can always try & quit.......but you cannot decide to do it once your milk is dried up.

Breastfeeding is awesome for baby....but it doesn't define a good mother. ;)

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