Anyone Else Taking New Years Day Off?


Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to see if anyone else is taking the first day of 2004 off. I usually workout 6 days a week--taking Saturday off. Doing Cardio on Mon,Wed,Fri and Weights on Sun, Tues, Thur. So taking a Thursday off is a little bit scarey. But lately my feet have been feeling a bit stressed and I thought this would be a good day to rest them. If I work out with Cardio Every day for more than 2 weeks my feet totally give out--extreme pain on the bottoms of my feet from my heel to the ball of my feet--there is a name for it but I can't remember.
Went last Sunday and checked out the fitness center on the Air Force base near here--my husband it retired from the Air National Guard. It was awesome. Played some Racketball, ran laps on the indoor track, and checked out all the incredible weight machines and other fun stuff including a lap swimming pool. Too cool! And all of it is free!! But this was in addition to my Cathe Weight workout earlier that day. So my feet were beginning to feel it.
So I am taking today off. At least I think I am. I think I am addicted to my Cathe Workouts and it is really hard to not workout on a day when I normally do. Although I keep thinking about doing Muscle Endurance. But I will try and resist. I don't want to kill my feet and have to take a couple of weeks off to recover.
Anyone else try to plan a week off now and then? I am planning a little vacation trip in the Spring to visit a friend in Abiline, TX. Thought that would be a good time to take a week off without feeling guilty. Then I wouldn't have to take my weights, step, and DVDs with me on vacation either. I did that last time I visited her.
I know working out is a lifelong thing for me and I need to pace myself and keep my body and mind healthy. Does anyone else take time off once in a while?
Well enough rambling. I need to go get my shower before I think too much about ME. If I get my shower I probably won't feel like working out and getting all sweaty.
Thanks for listening and have a terrific New Year!
Yes!! I just crawled in from blizzard type conditions and only had about an hour and a half of "not quite sleeping" because of our high school youth groups New Years party. It was an all nighter, but I could not quite hang as well as the kids. I made it till 4:30 and we had to get up at 6. Packing and cleaning up, then driving kids home, and needless to say I am wiped. I am only trying to kill a bit of time until I can take a nap. I also need to spend some time with my own kids this morning, so I will most likely not get to working out today. Maybe after a nap;-) Happy New Year everyone, and I hope 2004 is a blessed one for all of you!
Happy new year!

Hey Motherofsix - SMART to listen to your body if you have pain - rest up - don't push yourself. I'm always impressed when folks listen to their bodies... so many times we push push push without listening. This was one of the toughest lessons for me to learn!

What a great idea an all night HS youth group NYE party. My kids are active in our group but they don't have that. Good to have your priorities and spending time with the kids!

I wasn't out last nite and am not hurting so alas - C&W for me today!

Happy new year.
Not me!!! I've been out of commission since Christmas Eve with bronchitis and laryngitis. I'm FINALLY feeling well enough to do some exercise and plan to do a short Cathe workout today, even if it's the warmup and stretch only! I'm going to try for 20 minutes on my elliptical if my lungs can handle it too. :)
>Nope! Just finished ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, Carol. After reading your post I caved and did ME. Cathe fried my arms, legs, and abs. But I sweat up a storm and had fun. Go figure--I am addicted.
I am taking the day off, because today is my rest day, although I ate wayyyy too much last night:9, so it is a wee bit unfortunate that my rest day is today;).

After every twelve weeks of exercise(usually 6 days per week, occasionally 5), I take 1 week off. My body seems to need it.

take care,
LOL! I know what you mean, Heather!! That one always fries me, but I sure do love it!!


I was up till about 3am so no exercise for me today. I only managed to get a few hours sleep. My body is so used to getting up at 5:30 it refuses to sleep in. So, I cleaned the house up, then crashed around 10am, slept till 3:30pm. I still don't feel normal.
Wow that sounds like me I was the DD til about 3;30 and woke at 6:30 like always so got up and did my workout before I realized how tired I was which after about 2 p.m. I took a nice hot bath and napped all day in bed til about 6 then got up and had a bite to eat I have areal hard time taking day off cuz Iknow I feel better when I work out I usually take 1 day off a week have never actuall planned a week off but have ended up not being able to work out for about 4 days due to being sick. I am definitely addicted but I guess there could be worse things to be addicted to My sons tell me I have OCD but really only when it comes to exercising and vacuuming which is what I call cleaning!

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