Anyone else a huge fan of Lonesome Dove?


I'm not sure of the reaction (if any!) from this question, but I'm curious to see if I'm alone in this. What's strange about my interest is, I'm not a Westerns fan at all. It's just that the stories and characters (and the actors who BECAME those characters) were all so engaging. I re-read the novel every few years when I need a fix and know just where to navigate the DVDs to my favorite parts.

Hi Susanne,

I love Lonesome Dove. I read the book back in the early 80's and loved it. I thought the movie was so true to the book. I remember my sister and I sobbing at the end of the movie. My parents were looking at us like we were weirdos. I was reading lots of Louis L'Amour books so I was a Western fan at the time. I thought the casting of the movie was brilliant.
Another Lonesome Dove fan here. I never read the book, but watched the mini-series when it came out. I am also a big western fan.
I looooove this book! I'm not a western genre gal, but McMurtry's writing and his characters were so wonderful. I've recommended it to others and they were equally enthralled. I'm in the minority here, but I didn't like the mini series as much as the book. Angelica Huston as the dainty Clara just didn't work for me, for one. JMO.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I LOVE LONESOME DOVE. I saw the movie for the first time in high school 9 years ago. I loved it so much that i bought the book b/c the book is always better than the movie (and it was). everytime its on t.v. i watch it. so no, your not alone:)

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