Any postpartums out there?


Hey, I thought I would post this because there seems to be a lot of preggars, but not as much post-ers. So, how bout it? I have a little guy (my third) who just turned one and am still nursing. I started working out again when the kids went back to school in September, and I love long walks on the beach under the stars...just kidding. But seriously, how many post preggars are there?
Hi there! I have a 4 1/2 y/o and 8 1/2 mo old. There are more postpartum mamas than post on the fit moms check in... you are welcome to join us... the current thread is titled "Fit moms-easter/posteaster week".
Hi there.
I am sure there are many post-preggies out there.
I have a 10 week old and have already started back exercising after only 10 days postpartum. I was put on modified bedrest during my pregnancy, and gained 50 pounds!! Up until that point I was exercising regularly and was gaining slowly...all that ended when the baby decided to be difficult. She is beautiful , and is perfectly normal..thank goodness.
I have an 21 month old and gained 50 pounds with her as well, but took off 56 pounds before getting pregnant again. All with the help of CATHE!! I love her videos, and will do NO other!! She is affective and motivational! I exercise about 5 days/week and do all of her videos to completion. I have lost 28 of those 50 seems harder the second time around I tell you! And I am exclusively nursing my baby...all of a sudden the pounds just seem to be rolling off..took some time though..
Good luck!!;)
Wow, you gain just like me! With my first I gained 55 lbs, lost it all within 6 months. With my second, I gained 45 and lost it within 10 months, and now a year later after my third I still have 10 to go after a 50 weight gain. I kinda like it, though. I call it my voluptuous, womanly curves. I know that the rest will fall off when I am done nursing, though. I eat less beef and more lean meats when I am only feeding myself.
congrats on your new daughter! If you think she is difficult now, just wait a few more years....just kidding! My daughter is a peach. Sometimes she acts like a teenager, but she is sweet!
Hi There,

Is it Dana? Hello - I've just logged back on after a 3 month hiatus, if you can call it that! I've only logged on once since my babies were born on December 19, just to announce they were here! I am just now getting motivated to start moving, I've been eyeing up the stack of Hardcore DVD's that came during my last trimester - I sometimes think they are mocking me...I'd love to just go for one of those walks on the beach, ya know? I also have a 2 1/2 year old daughter to go with my boy/girl 3 month old twins, so my workouts consist of chasing the toddler and rocking/walking/nursing/diapering the twins. But I've got a double stroller on order, so I'll soon return to the land of the fitness-minded (I HOPE).

Just wanted to let you know that You are not alone, and hopefully I'll get to start logging on with some regularity..I'm not sure if you can tell, but I miss my online family and am excited to get back.
I'll just stop typing now, I could go on for days if I only had the time.


I gave birth 2.5 months ago to my first child. The first trimester I gained 7 pounds and then..... well 65 in total. I lost 35 already, but looks like this other 30 want to stay with me. I haven't loose a pound during the past 6 weeks. I had a C-section, but started slowly exercising after a month. Any advice???
I also had an infection after the C-section and my milk production went dramatically down in 2 days. I was giving the baby the 2-4 ounces daily that I was able to express, but I gave up last week.
Anyway, he is lactose intolerant. Frustrating x(
Had anybody stopped nursing or didn't nurse at all? How does that affect in going back to my pre-pregnancy weight?
Thats too bad about the infection. I was going strong with my first then I started back to work , and well being a nurse and working 12 hours shifts didnt help. I soon lost my milk as well. Just be glad that you gave your baby all that you could. Even that little time gave the immunity that he/she will need. I am nursing my second, and well, I am OVER it already. She is 11 weeks, and I just am not into it like I was with my first. But I will keep on plugging. I start back at work in 2 weeks, so we will see what happens.
About the exercise. I didnt lose one pound until my 6th week into it! I was getting very frustrated too, but all of a sudden my body kicked up and I have been losing albiet slowly, but am losing.
All of Cathe's videos are great, but I love the Terminator the best! When I get done with that I feel like I have done something great! I just did her 80 minute round of push-pull yesterday, and am very sore!
Hang in will soon like just giving formula, and not having to be a slave to that pump!
Good luck. ;-)
I hope that you aren't disappointed about having to ween him. Just think, now your hubby will have to get up and feed at night too! }(
I had a c-section with my first, didn't start working out til about 6 weeks postpartum and didn't start losing until about a month later. Ugh. I also weened my DD after only six weeks. I think it may have helped me lose weight faster, honestly, because while nursing, you really can't restrict your diet. After I weened DD I was able to cut out most of the fat in my diet and I wasn't nearly as hungry! I also think I lost 2 or 3 pounds immediately from each breast! ;)

ETA Dan is my hubby, Mis(sy) is me....Dan an Mis....his mesh, but I like it!
Almost four weeks a Mom!

I also had a C-section, and so I know I can't do much until my doctor's check-up. I'm so looking forward to working out again. I'm going to give myself lots of time to get back into shape though, after hearing from others how it takes 6 months to a year to get back in shape. I just can't wait to feel active and strong again ( is it possible on the little sleep one gets with a newborn?)

There are Cathe Hardcore videos I still haven't done yet due to the timing of their release in my later stages of pregnancy. Perhaps I should start planning a rotation to get me motivated. Perhaps two to three weeks of an easier rotation followed by a "kick-ass-back-in-shape" rotation.

Anyone been following a rotation for postpartum weight loss?

Jennifer V
Thanks for your reply and support, Moose, Missy and Jennifer. So, do you think that breastfeeding or not is always from 6-12 months to get back in your pre-pregnancy shape???? And husband is not at home at night, he works night shift ;(.

I'm killing myself (exageration). I'm not sleeping well most of the days and I am exercising for about 2 hours (cardio and weights) 5 times per week. Today I feel burn out and had to stay in bed until 3:00p.m. just waking up to feed the baby and change him. I'm feeling guilty because I lost my day to do heavy weight trainning at the gym. Relatively heavy bec. I lost a lot of muscle mass during the pregnancy. I was very weak after giving birth, I'm feeling more strong already. At least I can carry the car seat basket without much effort.

Jennifer, at home I'm doing rotations with Cathe, the Firm, Core Secrets and once a week Tae-bo Advanced. I had also use Latin dance and Belly Dance for the days that I don't feel like having an intense workout but want to move a little or to "warm up" before the Tae-bo Advance (which starts at a very fast speed and intensity). They are all great and effective. Because I use a variety of videos I am constantly challenging my, for now weak body and I'm sore often. I'm hoping I'm gaining muscle and that's why I don't see changes in my body weight. I also measure myself every Thursday (aniversary of giving birth) and I had lost about 10 inches staying in the same body weight during the past 6 weeks. (arm, chest, waist, abd, thigh). You should measure your body to see if it works this way with you too. Keep me posted.

It could very well be that working out 2 hours, 5 days a week is too much for you if you're feeling as tired as you are. If you are sore often, you might want to make sure you give yourself a couple of days of rest after a heavy strength training session (not cardio) to ensure your muscles can recupperate. I don't know your exact weekly routine, but that would be my advice. (Take it or leave it- just my opinion!):)
You are right, Jennifer. I did mild workout last week, still 5 days. My weight trainning is not intense at all, it's that my body is not responding well after the C-section. I have Fibromialgia and have been without meds for 10 months, maybe that's the reason. I started anti-inflamatories again last week. I still try to jump or jog and my body barely moves up. It's weird. Today at the gym, while I was doing chest rotation with 20 pounds, another female asked me if I was ok.
I increased my water intake, I'm taking vitamins and tomorrow I'm starting a nutrition program. Any advise is always welcome. Does anybody went through something like that?
Hi Doctorjany!

Sleeping difficulties (due to your fibromialgia) will definitely affect your workouts. It did for my Mother-in law. So will lack of sleep due to a young baby who keeps you up nights! Give yourself time. Did the meds work for you before pregnancy? Can you go back on them?

Keep smiling and do what you can! A light workout still counts as a workout!


Jennifer V

I'm returning to the forums after having my third child 11 weeks ago. I've only been doing 20 minute sessions so far and am looking forward to beginning the Body Blast Series next week (my Christmas present!).

I gained 31 pounds this time and have only lost 13 so far. Hoping to crack my metabolism real soon!

Jenifer, thanks for your support. Thank God, I've been blessed with a great ability to sleep anywhere, anytime... before the baby. For the fibromialgia I was taking anti-inflamatories, thank God also hasn't need anti-depressant like many others.
Hi, Allison. Congratualtions on your 3rd one. I had my first one 11.5 weeks ago. Unlike you, I gained 65 pounds, lost close to 40 by now. God job with gaining only 31, that's my goal for the next one. I've been using the Body Blast combined with other videos. The cardio segments of the Body Blast are still too intense for my joints. I started taking my anti-inflamatory medication. The kick,punch and crunch ( I guess that's the title) is good for me now. Did you have a normal delivery? Mine was a C-section. Hope you can get rid of those 13 as soon as you want.
Hi Doctorjany,

I did have a normal delivery...the only difference was that after two drug-free births, I got an epidural this time. It was GREAT! LOL

Although, I'm going to try the Body Blast next week, I'll probably be supplementing with other videos given the intensity of BBS. Thanks for reminding me about the anti-inflammatory medicine - I still have some left over from delivery...and those initial days of nursing.

Congratulations on your first baby and losing 40 lbs. - that's amazing. I'll let you know how the first day goes...assuming I can walk after it!

Oh my,
Those first workouts after delivery are grueling!! your perineal muscles just dont want to do what you want to, and they get quite sore!:(
I started right away 5 days/week, just aerobics first, and then the second week added weights. I liked using her Cardio & Weights workout...just enough to make you sweat and burns a lot of calories too. Good luck. I did my first delivery drug free and after 28 hours swore never to do that again...the second was great with the epidural...8 hours and 3 pushes and she was out. I am now at 29 pounds off of my 50, and still plugging.
I start back to work next week and am anxious...but excited to be around adults again!;-)
Good luck

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