Any over 40 (or nearly 40) gals out there?


Active Member
Just wondering. I'm 43, and 4 months pregnant with my first(!) What can I say...I'm a little slow out of the starting gate :)

How did you all handle exercise during your pregnancy and postpartum? I am finding that i am so tired all I can manage is a walk around the block!

I must admit I'm a little afraid of what I will look like postpartum. I've already gained 10 pounds, and that freaks out a life-long dieter like myself! But I know it's good for the baby.
Hi there! I'm not too far behind you, age wise, I'm 37 next week and I have my first on the way too(10 weeks gone!). Unfortunately I can't exercise at the moment, got to remain rested :-( and believe me it's killing me. I feel like 10 tonne Tessie right now, I haven't actually gained any weight but I feel out of condition and can't wait to workout again. I've always watched my weight and always exercised now I can't but...this past couple of weeks tho I've been so tired, even walking up the stairs has been hard work! I have to sit down on stair 6 to catch my breath before I can get to the top!

I'm 5'6 1/2 and weigh 116 lbs it's not like I'm carrying any excess that is making me so breathless but this has been a real shock to my system especially as I'm so very fit. It's quite a shock to my system this whole shortness of breath.

I too am worried what I'll look like post partum if I can't get any rtaining in but all I can do is look forward to getting those tapes back on and losing whatever I'm going to gain!

I'm having another check up in 3 weeks hopefully then I'll be able to ease back into something, even a walk in the park, just to get me moving again!
I am not nor have I been pregnant, but I am very motivated by your pregnancy!! I am 39, and I have not given up the prospect of having one child. Sheila, the expert here, was 41 and 43 (I hope that's correct!) when she had her children, so maybe she will have some words of wisdom. Sorry to chime in when I am obviously of no help, but I just had to say how happy you have made me.

Good luck,
I'm 37 with my first - will be 38 when baby is born. I've definitely had to modify my workouts. In the first trimester I was down to 2-3 per wk from 5-6, some lasting only 30 mins. Now in the 2nd trimester I'm up to 4-5 40-60 mins. The impact is lower and weights a little lighter. But I feel great after each workout. I take it day by day and monitor how I feel throughout the workout. Just listen to your body. Take care!
My baby is 18 months old now, but I turned 39 about 10 days before she was born. I had 5 miscarriages before she was born, so I was considered high-risk, and had to keep my workouts kind of light. That wasn't too difficult, since I was tired and breathless like some of the other posters have mentioned. Still, I worked out until 2 weeks before Holly was born.

As for weight gain, I had gained 12 pounds by the time I was 16 weeks along! At about 25 weeks I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and had to go on a very strict diet. That kept my weight gain way down, so that by the time I delivered I had only gained about 21 pounds, all of which came off (and then some) by the time Holly was about 6 weeks old.

Anyway, you'll probably be surprised at how quickly your body bounces back, especially if you keep up your workouts. Believe me, mine were very easy compared to what I normally did but just staying active seemed to make a huge difference.

Good luck!

I wouldn't worry about what you will look like post-partum so long as you eat right and exercise to your ability. I mean, come on, look at Cathe! I found it rather easy to get into shape after baby #1 (it was babies #2 and #3 that were much tougher.) You will do FINE......just listen to your body. Put in the words "talk test" into a search and you will find out how hard to work out. Your energy will come back pretty soon. Congratulations!

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