Any computer wizards?


Do we have a computer wizard around here anywhere?
I was wondering, when you delete and e-mail or anything from your computer is it completely deleted, or is it one of those things that you can come across when cleaning up your computer? Although an e-mail will ask "do you want to permently delete this e-mail". I ordered something for DH for christmas and I deleted the file.He is getting ready to "clean up" his computer tomorrow and I don't want him to come across it.
But I have always wondered this, do things sit on your computer even though you have deleted them until someone professionally cleans up your hard drive?
Yes, things are still there on your hard drive. But unless your DH is a computer forensics expert, it is impossible for him to find it.

I have e-mail with Google, called gmail. In gmail, you never delete an email message, you just "archive" it. When you "archive" a message it goes out of your inbox and waits forever. If you ever want to see pertinent information from it, or the address of the sender (every address of every received email goes automatically into your contact list in gmail) you can search your email just like a Google search.

Gmail is made by Google so it's really cool for searching and organizing email. I love getting rid of messages I don't need cluttering my inbox. Whenever I need them, all I have to do is search for a word.

I think I am a born salesperson. I notice I do a lot of selling. No, I do not work for Google. I am a dental hygienist who is looking for a change right now.
Wow...things stay on your computer that long? No wonder the things jam up from time to time.So, we have had our computer for 4 yrs or more, are there still things on there from way back then or does your computer gradually delete them? I don't understand much about computers as you can see;)

Runner2-I guess you don't really have to worry about Dh finding anything if it is pretty much impossible.Can you imagine,what some employers could come across on some computers in workplaces:eek: I guess to some extent it can be illegal?

With gmail the old messages are on google's server (another computer) not your computer. They give you oodles of space so there is no need to delete messages. I guess in a few years there might be.

On your computer, the space where the data is becomes open to be written over whenever it is needed. So once it is written over, then it is permanently gone. I don't know much about computers but this is just what I have heard repeatedly fom others.

reread the gmail faqs when you delete something it is gone. Archiving is a separate function.

Deletion from a computer is a controversial thing. Something is not deleted from a hard drive until something is actually written on that particular "bit". And truthfully until something is overwritten it is susceptible to being "recovered". You can always run the defragmentation utility which will move files around and possibly overwrite or you can get one of the paranoia disk utilities.

If you ever donate a computer to someone, remove the hard drive, smash it with a sledge hammer.

computer memory is flushed as soon as you turn the computer off.

Yes Dave, I utilize the whole package. I was trying to describe the uniqueness of Gmail without making it sound too complicated. I guess it came across inaccurately. Sorry.

Thanks for the responses.
So you are telling me that things can be "dug up" if need be? But once the computer is turned off does that mean that things are gone to la-la land and never can be retrived? We never turn our computer off, sometimes I wonder if that is whyI heat and light bill is a little higher then others?
I just don't know much about computers so this is why I asked this ? I didn't know if it could just pop up when he was fiddling with stuff but I guess not.And he is not a computer genious either so I guess that is out of the question.Besides, I am sure he doesn't want to know that bad!;)
well, it also depends on whether your using a web-based email system(like yahoo) or a hard drive based one (like microsoft outlook). Most people do not care to dig up emails unless there looking for something very specific. I wouldn't worry about it.:)
Your computer is not safe from someone who wants to get into it and knows how. I work on the "white hat" side of hacking

To secure your computer:
Physical security... Who has access to the keyboard? I don't care what security you are running if I have 20 minutes at your keyboard I can own you. Of course if I had 20 minutes in your house I'd probably steal something else

Network security... while you are connected to the internet you are vulnerable, dsl cable modem? your always connected. You can and should minimize your vulnerability by using a firewall, virus and spyware protection.

Net based mail programs yahoo and gmail are great, use them myself I love gmail if anyone wants an "invite" pm me I have 100 left. My data is stored on someone else's computer. They in turn promise me that it is secure. I'm more worried about drunk drivers than id theft.

As far as the power bill your computer probably "hibernates" at about 100watts. That's 1 light bulb. Your heat bill might be lower because the computer is on, mine is like a portable heater by the end of the day.

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