Any 1st trimester moms-to-be here?


I found last week I'm pregnant with #3. THis will be my first pregnancy working out. I've seen that you guys are very supportive of each other on this board! That is great, but I've also noticed that a lot of you have already delivered(congratulations). Just wanted to know how many are just starting out or still in the 1st tri. I'd love to have company.
Not much past

Hi! I'm 16 weeks pregnant with my 5th. So I'm out of my 1st trimester, but just barely. It's good to have other fit moms to go through this with. :)


I might be joining you here. I should be "starting" any day and haven't. DH and I had a little break, if you know what I mean. We have a 10 year old and a 19 month old. We hadn't really decided on whether to have a third or not. I was planning on waiting until the littlest was at least three and then deciding. I'm a bit nervous and thinking I'm definitely not ready if #3 were to appear already. DH made a mention of it last night and say hey, the more crazy around here the merrier. Guess he obviously won't be upset if we are expecting. Anyway, don't want to tell any of this to anyone here....just you guys. Thanks Sami
Hi Rockette,
Congratulations on your good news! I am past the 1st trimester (currently 23 weeks), but offer my company anyway! This is my first pregnancy, and so far I have managed to work out pretty much all the way so far. I was back to about 2 x per week initially (lots of "morning" sickness & tiredness), but am now back up to about 4-5 x per week - just modifying as I need to.
Did you gain alot of weight with your other two children? It will be interesting to see how different things are for you this time round if you are able to continue exercising.
Congratulations again - keep us updated!

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
HI Willowe,
Thanks for the well wishes. With my previous pregnancies I gained 35 and 42lbs respectively. My goal is to keep my weight gain at the low end of the suggested range. I've been exercising regularly for a year and a half(cardio and weights) so I do plan to continue. I also plan to eat a lot more whole foods this time, less sugar, less meat. I'd rather have my pregnancy pounds be mostly baby this time. I'm really excited about how this pregnancy will compare to my others.

Going Public!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-02 AT 01:50PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi! Congrats to all the mothers-to-be (and mothers-to-be-again)! I've been pregnant for about ten or eleven weeks now (due date is April 8th) and I've finally decided to go public!! I'm nearing the end of my first trimester so I'd love to "hang out" with the other first trimester folk here, and everyone else for that matter. By the way, this is my first pregnancy so I'm pretty incredibly excited about every new little thing!

My dh & I have a lot of friends who have had miscarriages and other complications so we decided to wait a little while to see how things go. I even read in one book that about 15% of pregnancies (I think only counting the pregnancies that women intend to keep) end in miscarriage, pretty startling to me. I knew it wasn't all that uncommon but I hadn't realize the figure was that high!

Anyway, there aren't actually any reasons why I should think my pregnancy is high risk (I'm 31 and generally pretty healthy) but I couldn't help but be especially nervous since our first sonogram showed that the baby was really really small and the doctor didn't seem to be satisfied with the way the kid was growing. Well, I'm happy to say that, four weeks later, we had a very happy sonogram and the kid looked great! They were (it's just one child but it sounds funny to call the baby "it") a healthy size and was squirming around a whole bunch in there, kicking and moving their arms about, what a cutie :7 !!

My dh has been wanting to tell everyone since the day we found out, he's completely over the moon about becoming a daddy! He's coming with me to all the appointments and is at least as excited as I am about all this. I know the kid is going to just adore him, can't wait to see them together!!

Well, congrats again to everyone. Here's to healthy happy babies all around!!
RE: Going Public!

I am a first trimester mom-to-be... or let's hope...I am also worried about miscarriage.

I am only 2 fetal weeks pregnant! I swear I felt the egg implant. Honestly, it was around the time I figured it should, and I had this feeling that wasn't exactly cramp like, but was definitely "down there".

Rockette, how many weeks along are you?

This is my first and I am not going public yet!

My congratulations to every one also!

RE: Going Public!

Congratulations Foolofatook and Gina! Being pregnant with your first is exciting in a totally different way!


I'm 5 weeks pregnant and due around May 26th. My doctor said May 23rd but I know when I ovulated so that pushes it back a few days. It's still just an estimate though. My 1st prenatal appt is Thurs(I start my 6th week of pregnancy).

When you say you're 2weeks pregnant, are you counting from the day of your last period? Just making sure you know that's how pregancies are calculated(smile). So even though I'm 5 weeks pregnant, the baby is only 3weeks Have you been to the doctor yet?

Best wishes,
RE: Going Public!

By 2 weeks, I mean 2 fetal weeks. I swear I felt the egg implant 2 weeks ago. Since my menstrual cycle is so long, up to 5 1/2 weeks, not 4, I feel that counting gestational weeks is misleading. But what do I know about all of this yet????? Not enough that's for sure!

I have a dr. appt. on Oct 18, but they sent in a prescription for a pre-natal already and I am taking it.

It will be great to be able to share this experience with others who are around the same point in time!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-02 AT 09:00AM (Est)[/font][p]Sorry...posted in error
Congrats Fool-of-a-Took and Gina!

What wonderful news! It's such an exciting time! How are you both feeling? My AM sickness lasted far longer than in any of my other preganncies ( This is baby number 5 for me. ), but at 16 weeks, I'm finally feeling reliably human. :) Again, congratulations!!

Erin and ? :)
RE: Congrats Fool-of-a-Took and Gina!

Hi Erin! Glad to hear you're starting to feel better. I almost feel guilty to say that I've experienced practically no nausea and it's usually been in the evening and not for long at all when it does occur. My mum had it really bad for all three of her pregnancies so she wasn't actually convinced I was pregnant at first, even after three positive home pregnancy tests, ha! Well, she's convinced now, especially after we gave my family a copy of the sonogram picture :7 !

The first time the nausea hit me I was eating a big burrito with lots of guacamole and drinking a non-alcoholic beer (Buckler) and all of a sudden I felt really icky! Before that, I was eating any old thing and feeling fine but since then I've been having some food aversions, like, well hey, this actually gives me an idea for a thread.......but anyway.

My main problem has been feeling so wiped out all the time but that's beginning to ease up a bit. I keep wanting to say that I'm resting for two so I don't want to get up too early. I'm glad my boss is being patient with me about coming in late so often. Even if he wasn't required by law not to give me a hard time, I'm sure he would be nice about it anyway.

So how's everyone else feeling today? Looking forward to hanging out with you all!
Can I jump in here? I am 13 weeks along with a due date of April 3rd. This is my third child, but only my second pregnancy - my first was twins. This pregnancy already feels different from my first (I'm not having twins this time around). I wasn't sick at all with my first, but have felt pretty sick with this one.

I haven't had much energy or desire to exercise much. I really hope to feel better soon and get moving more!

We haven't told anyone we are expecting yet, so it is nice to read all of your posts and know that I am in good company!!

I haven't felt sick yet. But maybe it is too early for me at only 2 weeks. Then again, I never would have guessed such a puny amount of cardio would leave me winded! Gina
Hi Michelle, glad you joined in! Our due dates are only five days apart, mine is April 8th!

Yeah, I still feel funny telling people I'm pregnant after all that time keeping it quiet. We did actually tell my family and a few close friends. Now it feels weird for everyone to know! Are you waiting till after the first trimester is over? How have your sonogram(s) looked so far?

Well, hope you feel better soon! My weekly update from said today that most women who have suffered nausea usually see it tapering off about now. Maybe that'll apply to you real soon! My energy level is beginning to pick back up, I've been so wiped out all the time for most of the pregnancy so far. The only thing now is that I'm trying to get over a nasty cold so it's hard to say what my energy level would be otherwise.

Well, glad you jumped in. Looking forward to your updates :).
Hi Gina. I've heard that nausea can actually set in practically as soon as conception occurs so maybe this is a good sign for you :D !

I hope you don't feel sick at all! I think I started feeling sick around 6 weeks. I have been feeling pretty good these past few days!

I know what you mean about getting so winded. I had to move my step down to 4" and still have to go easy!


That is great that our due dates are so close! Are you over feeling sick? Besides trying to conquer your cold?

My only sonogram was at 7 weeks and my OB didn't say much other than there is only one baby in there (my last pregnancy was twins).

I'm not really sure when we will start telling anyone we are preganant. Probably not until it is so obvious that my friends start asking quesions!

Speaking of showing . . . when are any of you feeling like you can't hide it anymore? I can't remember when I started wearing maternity clothes last time around. I'm sure everyone is different!

Hi Guys,

Hope you are all doing well and not feeling too "icky" or tired!

Not only did I have the dreaded sickness/breathlessness in the early days, I also picked up a viral sickness/diarrhea at about 6 weeks and could only keep water and rice down for about 7 days, so I can definitely sympathise! Fortunately, I had plenty of fat reserves for baby to live off, LOL!

Michelle - I am entering my 25th week (is this about 6 months?), and went out and bought my first maternity clothes on Saturday. I'm now starting to feel as if I "look" pregnant rather than just look as if I'm gaining weight! Baby is having a really good thrash around daily now - lots of kicks, elbows and headbuts!! Feels very strange, but also very reassuring!

DH and I are off on holiday for a week tonight, so I look forward to catching up with you all when I get back.

Take Care Y'all!


Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Michelle, I hope you continue to feel ok.

Kaz, you didn't show until 6 months???? Am I horribly vain or what? I am really worried about gaining weight before I tell people or look pregnant. I know it is dumb. But I just don't.


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