Hi Everyone,
I don't normally come to this board very often but I thought this would be a great place to post my question.
For the last couple of years my period as been like clock work.I would either start my period the minute my two feet touch the floor(on the 28th day) in the morning or on the 27th night before I would go to bed.But in the last few years I have had times when my period would be late.So its not overly uncommon BUT for the last 2 years it would be.
I took a test on Thursday night (29th day) and it was negative.It is now day 32 and I still haven't started.My boobs are starting to get sore (which happens when I am going to start my period or pergnate for that matter)I also have a little bit of crapping off and on ,as if I might start.
The thing is I am rarely late,DH as low sperm count so its not that easy for us,we did try to have a baby this month,I don't think I exercised to much and drove it off this month, and how long should I wait before I take anohter test? When I was pregnate with my first I was sick instintly.This is different though b/c I am not 17 anymore (which would make any 17 year old throw up)
Anyway..as anyone every taken a test and it said neg but you were pregnate? And did you take another teat and how long after? Should I take it first thing in the morning even though it says you don't have to? I bought first response as well so I didn't buy a cheap brand.I just hate wasting money.Its great if you find out you are pregnate but if your not it seems like you wasted money.
Sorry so long, Thanks for you responses!
I don't normally come to this board very often but I thought this would be a great place to post my question.
For the last couple of years my period as been like clock work.I would either start my period the minute my two feet touch the floor(on the 28th day) in the morning or on the 27th night before I would go to bed.But in the last few years I have had times when my period would be late.So its not overly uncommon BUT for the last 2 years it would be.
I took a test on Thursday night (29th day) and it was negative.It is now day 32 and I still haven't started.My boobs are starting to get sore (which happens when I am going to start my period or pergnate for that matter)I also have a little bit of crapping off and on ,as if I might start.
The thing is I am rarely late,DH as low sperm count so its not that easy for us,we did try to have a baby this month,I don't think I exercised to much and drove it off this month, and how long should I wait before I take anohter test? When I was pregnate with my first I was sick instintly.This is different though b/c I am not 17 anymore (which would make any 17 year old throw up)
Anyway..as anyone every taken a test and it said neg but you were pregnate? And did you take another teat and how long after? Should I take it first thing in the morning even though it says you don't have to? I bought first response as well so I didn't buy a cheap brand.I just hate wasting money.Its great if you find out you are pregnate but if your not it seems like you wasted money.
Sorry so long, Thanks for you responses!