Another Diet Question



I imagine this has been asked before but I wanted to see what
everyone keeps to eat at their desk and/or in their car. Also, what do you do to prepare your meals for the week and what type of things do you take to work each day?


cottage cheese with natural applesauce
string cheese with an apple or with about 5 low fat Triskets
4 oz container of low fat yogurt
skim milk

I use one of those lunch containers that you can put ice coolers in.
Hi Jessica,

I prepare my food for the week on Sunday. I make my oatmeal and egg whites and put them in individual containers. I also cook chicken breasts to put in salads. I only make up two days worth of salads as I don't like soggy lettuce. Sometimes I bring canned tuna or chicken for my salads. Apples, natural peanut butter, boca burgers, cucumbers, tomatoes, fat free cottage cheese all are easy to keep at work for snacks. Preparation is key to healthy eating.


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