Another Bun and Thigh Rocker ?


All right Honeybunch, Francine and all others! You naughty girls have gotten me to the point where I seriously need to consider buying a BTR.

But, I've got a couple of burning questions:

Is this a weight machine that can double as cardio machine like that Healthrider thingie?

Space is an issue, can it be stored in a vertical postion up against the wall? (I don't want it to come crashing down on anyone, though.)

Guess I should ask if the weight placement might be heavier on one end of the machine?

Just reinforcement here, I can do a Slow & Heavy style workout on it?

Ya know, I've been working on my upper body a lot. But just lately I noticed "the rear view" needs to be slimmed down, it's looking rather "doughy". This sounds like it might be a great addition. I've been hovering at size 10 for two years!

Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate women who are so willling to help other women.


If anyone in the Minneapolis area knows where to get one give me a holler!! I've looked at every Mart: K, Sports, Wal, no luck.

:9 :9 :9
and even one more question: how many resistance bands do you use with it in an average workout? do you just use the bands that it came with or did you get more? and if you got more, how much more? i already ordered one (honeybunch do you know how much you subliminaly affect our lives!) and i want to make sure that i get the most out of it right away (trip to bahamas in april!). i was planning on using it with the new intensity series which i got yesterday (using it wherever cathe does legs. i can't lift heavy for my legs because of my knees so i thought this machine might help get me as toned on the legs as i am upperbody).

Julie, I just bought one today off of Ebay for $39.95 + $25 shipping (Buy it Now option). Someone is selling off his stock apparently. Rumor has it that Jake is gonna discontinue the BNTR so that he can sell more of his newer machine, so I jumped right on it.

Targo, I know that Honeybunch posted that she uses 140 lbs worth of resistance on her machine. She ordered more bands, which I plan to do ASAP.
thanks for info! i just ordered four of the 25 pound resistance bands. I am not quite sure how many bands it will come with but i figure 100 pounds will work in the short term! (i mean i am good, i am not THAT good!).
thanks again!:)
Does anyone know how much the additional bands cost to purchase? I'm considering going for it and getting a BTR but want to know how much I should expect to spend in all (I've been looking at the ones on e-bay for $39.95).

the 25 pound bands cost something like $9.95 each and the 10 pound bands cost something like $6.95 each. i know i just ordered four of the 25 pound bands (legs are always so much stronger than my weakling arms!) and with shipping the total was $47.40. i know in a lower thread there is the phone number ot order more bands and the price. (when dialing the phone number you have to wait like 30 seconds for the number to connect. it is weird but have patience. it seems like you might not have dialed all the digits and then a few seconds later it finally connects).
RE: Yipeee Robin!

Debbie, Honeybunch and others:

Come on and tell us what you love about this product. What does it do? Is it complicated to adjust all the bands? Is it best for cardio or stength? What do you enjoy about it? What makes it better than all that other infomercial stuff they sell out there? Are there different models? Which models are best? What accessories are needed? Who does the product work best for? Is it fun? Is it smooth? Come on, girlfriends. Give it up! :)

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