Ok, so here's my problem and I was wondering what you all think of if anyone else has had a problem. I started doing Cathe's a couple of months ago and I noticed particularly after hard workouts like IMAX that I couldn't seem to calm down. So anyway long story short, about a week ago I had noticed shortness of breath and what seemed like irregular heartbeat. So I finally said something is wrong and went to the doctor. In having the tests done they found I was anemic. I also had some heart tests done in the hospital for peace of mind (waiting on results) and then they found that I'm anemic beause of VERY low iron. Now I have to go to a gastroendo to see what the problem is and I guess I'm just a little scared. Has anyone else had low iron and do you know if it could be due to hard exercising. I recently went to Vegas and had no balance bars and ate mostly salads so I know that's not enough in my diet. Yesterday I had 1 pria bar, 1 Balance, plus a multi vitamin. I am afraid that I could get too many vitamins too! What kinds of vitamins do you all take? How much do you think is too much? My mom wants me to take iron tablets until I see this other doctor (in 2 weeks) but I am afraid to take that plus a multi. Any advice? I love my Cathe workouts and am bummed out that I have been feeling this way!!:-( I am cutting back my 6 workouts a week to about 4 now until I learn more but I heard a rumor that women who exercise intensely need more iron! Sorry I rambled, just concerned and frustrated. Any info or advice from the "educated crowd"? Thanks