An all Floor workout .. !


Active Member
I am waiting on my Leaner Legs workout. Is there an all floor legs/abs in the works?


Be a first rate version of yourself, and not a second rate copy of someone else.

-- Judy Garland:7
I would love to see an all floor legs tapes to alternate with Leaner Legs. I know that Legs and Glutes will have some floor work, but we need more!!!!!

I agree! There are a few workouts that have floorwork, but they aren't of the quality or intensity that Cathe can manage. Would love to see this kind of video!

Oh, this would be a dream come true! With bad knees, I even have to keep the standing leg routines to a minimum and with modifications, so to have an entire leg workout on the floor, plus abs would be wonderful.
I am all for an all floor workout. Same problem, bad knees. Would love a floor workout with lower body focus.

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