<---all tricked out


<---okay y'all I'm a lazy bum
<---seriously can't get through all those replies w/o my eyes bleeding ;)
<---had to start one more
<---survived playgroup at my house
<---wonders if anyone has ever seen a toy tornado???
<---might go to spinning tomorrow
<---"1" "2" "3" quack fling honk moo

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<--- eyes have been bleeding from reading so much
<--- brain has been hemorraging (sp?) all day from trying to get <---'s avatar pics to work
<--- is sorry you missed the food fight
<--- has never seen a toy tornado
<--- may never see a toy tornado since <--- promised <--- that if she wasx too stupid to get the avatar to work she would not breed x(
<--- hopes others join in the all tricked out thread
<---thanks Debbie!!!
<---posted chopped hair pics
<---has no doubt others will join in the tricked out-ness
<---needs a dinner idea that includes zuccini

Pardon the breach of <----etiquette but.....

OMG, JES, YOUR HAIR LOOKS SUPER CUTE!!! YOU LOOK GORGEOUS!!! You can DEFINITELY pull off short hair!!! Sooooo beautiful! Does DH like it?

Another breach of <--- etiquette to say Jes, your hair looks great!! You ABSOLUTELY can pull off short hair!! I've never been able to take a picture to the salon and have it come out looking exactly like it like this. I want your hairdresser!

<--- thinks WOOOOOOOOOW Jes it looks SPECTACULAR!!!!!!
<--- thinks you are one hot mama
<--- thinks Jes will have a great hump day }(
<--- forgives Angie for "breach of etiquette" cuz everything she said is dead on
<--- gettin in tricked out mobile to go home now
<--- CIAO ladies til tomorrow :)
<---grins and says "thank you!!!"
<---tells girls that i had shorter hair than this when dh met me, so he was prepared. he loves it:7
<---tells amy that i looked at her avatar. Great pic!!!
<---has to go fix dinner cause<---is starving:eek:
<---thinks Angie's breech of etiquette is cute
<---tells Brandi that my best friend is my hairdresser, so i got lucky
<---cannot believe it took 1 1/2 hours to cut all my hair off


<---tells Jess--LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your hair.
<---says it's perfect for you and frames your face beautifully.

<---wanted to see other thread to check out what was thrown into the basket she left
<---nah, too much eye strain
<---thinks Jes is so beautiful no matter what she wears or how she does her hair
<---saw Amy's avatar and thought, "Dang! How pretty!"
<---meant both the baby AND Amy:p
<---didn't do CTX-UB sans triceps yesterday as planned
<---thought UB without tricep work ain't right
<---did GS-Legs yesterday instead and CTX-UB this noontime
<---ended with KPC and SJP abs
<---now has noodle body
<---is trying to redo window treatments since everything she ordered online didn't work:(
<---couldn't find the right color valance so is now using a round table cover that has perfect color for valance
<---hopes end product won't look like crap
<---probably will anyway

<---thinks Pinky's finished product will also look awesome
<---tells Debbie <---has never seen a "toy tornado", but <---'s house often looks like a real one went thru!
<---says HIYA to all the biatches checking in to the new thread
<---has not worked out in 2 days since DH's working nights there's no reason to get up at 5am!
<---will roll her shrinking butt out of bed tomorrow early if she wants to continue "shrinking"
<---has Imax2 on <---rotation but is thinking of LowMax instead because of missing PLB and walking lunges today.
<---hopes all you fine ladies have a nice evening
<---says TTFN, peace out!

http://www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/img/bar-retro/cartoonblob01/lb/175/130/145/.png[/img] [/url]

<--- gave up on other thread too.:eek:
<--- has to say a great big WOWSERS YEEEAAAHHH to Jes' new do!:D
<--- is joining Pinky in noodlebodyness.
<--- did such a mish mosh of thisandthat . . . <--- can't even remember half of it.x(
<--- is having a hard time moving around so will stay in this chair for a bit.:p
<--- understands the Pinksters pain on ordering things of color online.
<--- knows it won't end up looking like crap Ms. artsy one.
<--- waves wildly at Super Debbie and disagrees with the lazy bum comment after some of those workouts she's posted about!:)
<--- wonders if it is too late for coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?????
<---thanks Debbie for starting a new thread - WHEW!!!
<---thinks Jes' new haircut looks amazing
<---sends creative vibes to Pinky
<---wonders if anyone has figured out the "calories used" issue
<---has a hair appointment tomorrow as <---'s roots need some touching up:eek: !

<---tells Kali "ITS GOOD TO SEE YOU GIRL!"http://www.smileys.ws/smls/action/00000069.gif
<---doesn't know why, but has missed seeing your recent posts
<---wonders what is new in Kali's world
<---has to go and get kids ready for bed now http://www.smileys.ws/smls/action/00000047.gif
<---is making bedtime very early tonight so <---can catch up on Law and Order

<--- waves most wildly and mostest enthusiastically at Kali and Tammy!:7 :7
<--- says amen and THANK YOU for the coffee validation my sisters!:p
<--- now has the incentive needed to get sorry butt out of chair and hit that coffee pot thang!:9
<--- wonders if Missy is really sending the kids to bed early so watch Law & Order }(
<--- thinks Missy's DH better look out since Missy has the whip out!! (reminds <--- of well <---)
<--- think Jes would be beautiful bald, frizzy, etc.
<--- likes Jes' hair so much might use this do for my post Locks of Love style if my hair EVER grows that last inch!!x(
<---at 7:30, kids were in bed! http://www.smileys.ws/smls/action/00000033.gif
<---justifies it because kids were up very late the night before
<---is cracking up because L&O <---watched this afternoon involved whip!
<---had to check forum one last time before I cozied in
<---is so bloated!
<---can't wait for PMS to become MC so that this awful feeling will go away! http://www.smileys.ws/smls/sad/00000030.gif
<---apologizes for TMI
<---is PMSing, so really doesn't care http://www.smileys.ws/smls/cheeky/00000003.gif
<---apologizes for not caring
<---loves this board, anyways and hope they still love me!!!

<--- tells Missy to enjoy "law and order"
<--- feels like <--- is cyber stalking Missy... following her from thread to thread
<--- still loves Missy
<--- needs to feed the family

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