AFTA Personal Trainer


I'm thinking of getting certified with AFTA but never heard of AFTA till recently.... Is there anyone who's actually took the on-line exam and became a personal trainer? What is your comment on them?
I personally don't think much of any certification done strictly online, PT training or even other degrees/certifications. It's too easy and enables anyone to hold these certificates. I feel hands on testing should be required. I have seen alot of certified personal trainers who don't know anything and they mostly have the quickie certifications which do not involve any real work in order to get them.
Just my opinion.
I was recently checking on the same thing, but I've found that ACE certified professionals seem to be the most highly accredited. But, it's not an online exam. You can order the study materials online, but you have to take the exam in person, get CPR certified if you aren't already, and complete a training program with their instructors to teach you the physical aspects (spotting, etc) and more individual program-design skills. It's going to be pretty tough, but well worth the extra effort over just doing it all online. I'm expecting my study materials today!!! Good luck if you decide to go either way! Maybe we should start a support thread for those in the prepping phase to become fitness professionals!;-)

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