advice for strained arm


Hi Ladies,
I had been doing the PS series once per week until about 4 weeks ago when I strained my arm. (I assume that I lifed too much weight or maybe I used incorrect form which caused the strain or maybe lifting weights didn't even cause it). I have been laying off of upper body work in hopes of letting it heal, but heck it's been 4 weeks now. The pain is kinda strange - it starts in the tricep and feels like it goes up to the shoulder. I was working hard in hopes of wearing sleeveless shirts and dresses this summer, but now I can't even do upper body work and I'm starting to get very frustrated. I still do bicep curls with very light weights sometimes because they do not hurt. It only hurts when I try to use the tricep or shoulder. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I just assumed in the beginning that it would go away in a couple of weeks. So much for that! Any ideas to get me back in the swing of things? Thanks.

Yes, this sounds familiar. I injured my shoulder last year (May) doing yard work & then entered a long cycle of rest & reinjury. Just to scare you, I eventually went weight free for all of December & then started back very light after New Years. By mid-December I did some kickboxing videos. And I worked on Pilates for a distraction.

I saw a Dr. (now ex-Dr.) who eliminated the possibility of tendonitis & told me to use 2# weights max. More helpful was a massage therapist who explained how a bicep problem could result in shoulder pain. Look how the biceps & triceps connect to the shoulder. While certain lifting didn't hurt at all, she pointed out that the body is pretty good at compensating meaning just because it wasn't painful didn't mean I should be doing it.

So rest. Focus on cardio &/or flexability. The cardio will burn off fat so you'll look good in those sleeveless tops & dresses even if you've lost a little muscle. If you ever wanted to get into yoga or Pilates, now's the time.

I know it's difficult. This year one of my knees is giving me grief. It's really interfering with my fitness plans & goals so I'm frustrated as heck.


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