? about the calenders


New Member
I was just wondering if anybody ever heard from Cyndia (forgive me if have the wrong name).
I posted my email here but never heard from her. I know she got a lot of responses but I was just wondering if anybody ever heard from her and if you ever got your calender?

I would love to have a workout calender, I wish Cathe would make one :)
Hi Teresa!

I haven't received my calendar yet either. I haven't seen Cyndie on in a while so she must be too busy right now. I'm sure we will hear from her soon. Just thought I'd let you know so you didn't think you were missed. I can't wait to see the calendars. They sound neat. It's so nice of her to share them with us all.:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Teresa!

I have been extremely busy the past few weeks. I was in Connecticut on July 13 for my brother-in-law's wedding. Then there was a second reception this past weekend in Michigan. (I live in Florida.) I am finally home and able to work on the calendars. I am so sorry they are taking so long. I have to print them out and then put them in manilla envelopes. I cannot mail these with regular stamps. They must be taken to the post office and weighed. I will be getting as many out as I can. Thanks for everyone's patience.

Best wishes, Cyndie
RE: Hi Teresa!

Wow, you are mailing these at your own cost to everyone that has posted to you? I thought that it was an e-mail...let me know if I can help you out with the postage. Seems like a big expense!
RE: Hi Teresa!

This is too much of a responsibilty for you, why don't you just let everyone that wants one send you a self addressed manila envelope with a few dollars for postage? You can e-mail me your address and I'll send it out and you can get it to me whenever you can. [email protected]

Thanks very much for being so nice about this. It's very sweet of you.

RE: Hi Teresa!


I totally agree this is too much for you to do alone. Let us help you with the costs. I'm sure the costs to print all those with printer ink and paper will also be costly. Let's figure out a way to send you some money to help with this. You are really so kind to offer to do this!! :)

RE: I agree!

I absolutely agree...this is way too much expense for you to take on...let us know how you want to do this. I would be happy to send the self-addressed envelope & a check for the postage & printing costs, or however you want me to do it.
Please let us know...hope you enjoyed your trips!
RE: I agree!

I also agree and would love to pay for the cost of my shipping.

when I posted yesterday, I was just wondering if anybody had gotten a email or heard from you because I hadn't. ( I know there were "lots" of people who responded).
So please feel free to email and then you can send your address and I can send a sase if you like :)

thanks so much!! :)
Another Idea!

Cyndie~is there any way you or someone you know could scan the calendars and we could all print them off ourselves? This would save you a lot of time & $$$ also. We could all help out by sending the calendars to those who do not have printers. Just another idea.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Another Idea!

This is why I love this forum. All of you are so nice. I propose that I first find out what the shipping will be. Then when I send you the calendars you can reimburse me at that time. That seems so much easier. My husband suggested that you guys all pool together and get me a gift certificate to Lady Footlocker because I am such a shoe fanatic. Anything so he won't have to buy me another pair. Thanks so much everyone for your support. Who knew I would get 75 responses? Certainly not me! All of my best, Cyndie
Cyndie --

Why don't you find out the shipping cost and then let each person who's interested send you a SASE? That way you won't have to wait for reimbursement checks.

And then our group can decide how we're going to pay you back for your paper, ink, time, trouble and sweetness! :) (I think a gift certificate to Footlocker is a great idea and I'll volunteer to organize one for our group -- Any calendar recipient who wishes to contribute can contact me at [email protected].

Kathy S.
Cyndie --

Why don't you find out the shipping cost and then let each person who's interested send you a SASE? That way you won't have to wait for reimbursement checks.

And then our group can decide how we're going to pay you back for your paper, ink, time, trouble and sweetness! :) (I think a gift certificate to Footlocker is a great idea and I'll volunteer to organize one for our group -- Any calendar recipient who wishes to contribute can contact me at [email protected].

Kathy S.
RE: Cyndie --

For sure post what the shipping cost will be and I would be happy to send you a SASE without question.

RE: Cyndie --

Yup - I know how Hedy will send one for me too won't ya sweetie? Just kidding. Honestly Cyndie - don't take this on yourself. Everyone needs to be responsible for this. You are going way out of your way for everyone. Come on - be reasonable.

RE: Hi Teresa!

ITA with everyone here.I have absolutely no problem with sending a SASE.It's the only fair thing to do.

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