a "slimming" series!

i'm apparently one who bulks when i use heavier weights.. as i've thickened since using cathe exclusively (i love my arms/upper body.. but now thrilled that my thighs are bulking)

i would love a cathe version of lighter weight/more reps... a slimming for your legs workout or series!

i'm already pretty small (short and small)... just don't like my legs.. but can't wrap my brain around going lighter on the current workouts when i think i'm supposed to go heavier! i don't want to give up lower body workouts cuz i do like the strenth i've gained from them (and cycling combined)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Yeah ! High reps/low weight

I second this request. I am also very small (just under 5' and 92lbs) but can use some toning up and leaning down. I really, really want to do high reps/low weight workouts but have yet to find an instructor that I like and can work out to. The only instructor whom I can consistently work out to is Cathe, and I really hope Cathe will come up with a lighter weight/higher reps workout next.
RE: Yeah ! High reps/low weight

I agree, I just posted something for lower body with NO weights (only bands or ankle weights) I would love to see her do a floor style workout!
Cathe Slim Series

I would love to see a Cathe style Slim Series too. I think it would be a huge seller, judging from the success of the original and the fact that so many of us complain about bulky legs with heavy weight work.

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