a question for fit mom.


i have a question 4 u its inside the "question about measurements"
happy if u'll find it and answer it

Hi Sharona, not fitmom here, but if you use the search option and the word P90X, you will find more information then you ever dreamed. Good luck.
>>i saw that u r a p90x graduate. (u look g r e a t on the pictured) is it worth it? i mean is it just p90x or this and cathe?
i sent them email with a question about the costs of shipping it to Israel and they didn't answer back so I'm little worried if i should order or not.
I'm also 'working" on getting pregnant so i don't know if i could do the program during pregnancy.
how much did it cost i didn't understand


I found it Sharona!:) I personally tweaked the X a little bit to make it more to my own liking but I firmly believe that even with the changes I made to the program, the core of the program is what got me the results. I believe it is sooo worth the $ if you are willing to put forth the effort and complete the program! Here's what I changed just so you know:

Phase 1: I did cardio 3x per week instead of 2 and most weeks I subbed in my own cardio instead of doing Tony's. The bulk of my cardio was running and spin but I also did some step, etc.

Phase 2: I added a leg day (mostly Cathe) and went back to 2 days of cardio for the most part.

Phase 3: Cardio back up to 3x per week again and maintained 2 legs days.

I also subbed some Cathe ab work for Ab Ripper X when I just didn't feel like doing that one. It doesn't change through out the program and doing 3 months of the same ab routine 3x per week gets lame so I switched it up to keep boredom at bay.

I did all of the upper body weight work verbatim. I did the Classic Rotation btw.

I strongly recommend this program but warn that it takes a serious commitment and it is TIRING as heck! I never took so many naps in my life as I did while doing this program! Except for maybe during the first trimester of my pregancy! LOL

Hope I helped some!:+
Hey it's me again. I just wanted to add one more thing and it was too late to edit my original post. I rarely did YogaX in full and often times subbed it out for another yoga work entirely out BUT I did atleast 30 minutes of some sort of yoga faithfully every week as the program calls for. :)

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