A not so normal Sunday off for me


DW works every other Sunday, which includes today. In the past, that normally meant my usual pig out on fast food, but for some reason, grilled fish and veggies sounds more appealing...:eek:

What in the world is wrong with me??? I need to muster up a good buffalo wing craving to feel good about myself again, but it's just not happening at present!
Jerry-must be something in the air because today is the day that I usually save all my treats for. In this case, I'm using the Weight Watchers points system, and I have all my "extra" weekly points saved for today. But get this, I'm not CRAVING anything! I took my kids out for some fun shopping and they asked for Red Robin for lunch. Older DS and I have started sharing something for 2 reasons (1...it's cheaper, and 2...it cuts the calories for both of us). He got a BBQ Cheeseburger with fries. I ordered a small side salad dry. We had them cut the burger in half; then I took my half and gave my younger DS half of THAT! And I didn't pick at ANY of the fries, and didn't mind that younger DS had half of my half! LOL

ANYWAY...all that to say that I think Kathryn is right...resistance is FUTILE! LOL

Count me in on this weird phenomenon. I don't crave my usual food at all, and I haven't really been trying to change my eating. I have started having a salad for one of my meals each day. For my 3pm snack I have been having a smoothie, and fruit if I crave something sweet after dinner. My whole life I have felt punished by being suggested/"forced" to have fruit for dessert because I was the fat girl while everyone else was able to have a real dessert. Now I CRAVE it. It really is the end of the world as I know it.


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