a little lost


I see people around me that know what they want to do with their lives and just go get it. I have not been one of those people, nor will I be. I think I need change but I don't even know what, since I don't know where I'm going. I don't feel like I have a purpose. Anyone have any words of wisdom?
Thanks in advance-
Hello rilbe4
I can totally relate to this infact i could have written that post myself. Maybe a change in jobs, this is what i plan on doing. Or going to school. Just remeber that everything happens for a reason, Life is all planned out already and what ever dosnt kill us only makes us stronger. I suggest giving yourself a purpose everyday set a goal and then make sure you do it. Good luck and just remeber you are not alone, thanks for posting this as it reminds me that im not alone either. Take care.:)

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