A good ultrasound experience


Thankfully mine went better than Tuvak's. I went to Boston and was treated very professionally. They have 2 people check the ultrasound. This was a level 2 due to my age. Baby looked great and I was told it was a girl.
Due 6/1/06 with girl #2.
A girl! That's great! A playmate for Alexis. She'll be such a great big sister. I'm glad your u/s experience was a positive one. :)

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I'm glad all went well. It was a relief for me that my level 2 ultrasound looked good.

Maggie, it must have been a huge relief for you . It must always be a worry due to your downs child. Do you know what you are having?
Maggie, I'm so glad your ultrasound went well and it is such a huge relief to know all the parts that need to be counted are present to be counted.

Update on my ultrasound :
I just had my second ultrasound on Friday and strangely ended up having the same techs and they were so nice and friendly this time around.
They obviously were having a bad day during my first ultrasound.
It was such an amazing a cool experience this time around. They were able to do all the measurements they needed to.
However Peanut wants us to be suprised to even after two ultrasounds we don't know what sex.
Shopaholic, I was just thinking earlier, I wonder when shopaholic finds out what she is having and I was going to post and ask you. Then I get on here and here is the answer. Congratulations to you, I know you wanted another girl! I hope your pregnancy is going well and that you are surviving!
Emy, I am doing well and tummy is growing fast! Glad I answered your question before you even asked. Are you ready to have a #3 yet?
This may be a silly, ignorant question, but

what exactly is a "level 2" ultrasound?

I've had several throughout my three pregnancies and have never heard this term before

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