A Good Dessert for the Kids


I have tried and tried to apply "Sugar Busters" to my home, not only for me, but for my kids as well. (Forget the DH ~ he's impossible!) Anyway, my kids love fruit, but there comes a time when they just want plain ole dessert. Our local news has a segment of "Simple Solutions" with Jill Cordes in which she tries to simplify your life with easy little recipes, cleaning tips, etc. I tried this one last night and my kids absolutely LOVED it.

Take an angel food cake and cut into 3 layers
Mix one package of sugar free vanilla pudding (dry) and mix with one can of crushed pineapple )in pineapple juice not heavy syrup)
Mix one container of Cool Whip into the pineapple/pudding mixture

Take the Cool Whip/Pineapple mixture and spread it on the first layer of angel food cake
Stack on the second angel food cake layer and repeat

Finally, stack on the third tier and complete ice the whole cake with the Cool Whip/Pineapple mixture.

Garnish top with fresh strawberries

I know that it's not completely "clean" but it's better than a DingDong and HoHo's after school! Oh yeah, my 5 year old son LOVES to cook so he did it all himself (except the cutting) and it was the most lobsided thing I've ever seen but it was GOOD!

I don't like for my kids (or myself) to eat alot of sugar either. But, kids like treats no doubt about it and having that occasional homemade dessert is something special. At my house we have fruit for dessert during the week and then on the weekends I will make a dessert and they get to have it Sat. and Sun. Desserts are fine if you are making them in your own kitchen so you know what is in it. Ding Dongs and such like you mention are so full of corn syrup, sugar, and artificial this and that, that it is just not healthy.

I bake cakes, cheesecakes, make fudge, cookies, brownies etc. etc. but I make them myself so I know what is in there. No package mixes. No food coloring. No partially hydrogenated oils. Just naturally occuring ingredients like flour, sugar, eggs and butter. My favorite desserts to make (and eat!) are fruit based cobblers, tarts and crisps. They're really nice warmed for breakfast too on a relaxing Saturday. :D
Hey 40something,
What is a good brownie recipe?? I don't like the packaged ones and the homemade ones doesn't really taste that good to me either. I'd like to know if you use regular cane sugar instead of sucralose? I'd like it for my kids to eat "healthier" junk but I don't want them to eat anything with sucralose, aspartame or anything like that which is why I don't use fatfree and sugarfree crap. If you want to email me your brownie recipe, my email is [email protected]. Thanks!!

Hi Lisa...I'll dig out my recipe later but for now I get alot of recipes off the internet at sites like FoodNetwork and Cooks.com. I don't use any artificial sweetener's, it's real sugar all the way for me. My kids' favorite brownie is a choc. chip cookie recipe that I double and then bake it in a pan.

But I do have a regular choc. brownie recipe and I'll post that later for you. :)
Oh Sarah you just made me remember my wonderful grandmother who used to make this for us when we visited. It was soooo good! Thanks for the memories!

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