A get-together@the PalisadesMall in NY


Nancy C

Hello everyone,

My friend Wendy and I are planning a trip to the Palisades Mall that is just off the Tappen Zee Bridge in NY state. We pass this place everytime we have gone on a Cathe trip. I thought it would be a great idea to make a VF get-together out of it. I posted a thread over at VF and have about 1/2 dozen people interested and just wanted to mention it here as well.

We plan on going Saturday Feb 19 and spend the whole day there. There is a chance of us getting a room for Saturday night..not sure yet. The drive is just over 2 hours for us and it might be a challenge to drive home after such a long day
. The other option is to have my husband drive us...not sure about that yet either.

However, if you are interested, I will post more info at VF and here as well. We don't have to stay grouped up all day. We can split up in groups or just go off on your own and we can have check-in spots for a snack and most definitaly make plans for a nice sit down lunch/dinner.

This is all weather permitting of course


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