A bikini in 9 months??


Hi everyone!

This is my first time posting in this forum. I am amazed at all of your workout schedules!! You all are incredible!

I have about 8 lbs to lose, and I am currently dieting (wt watchers-so my diet is pretty healthy). To date, I have lost 27 lbs since February. I have just recently started working again. I also have an 18-month old son. I have struggled with weight for the last 10 years (i am age 30) For the first time in what seems like forever, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel concerning my weight. However, what I am coming to realize is that my body, although smaller, still has all the lumps and bumps of fat!! YUCK!! we have rented a beach house next may for a couple of weeks (woohoooo!!) And I would LOVE to actually not be embarassed to wear a bathing suit! For so long, I have hid in large, loose clothes and would never DARE to go out in a bathing suit. So, finally (thanks for your patience!!) I get to my questions: Can you give me an idea of what it takes to reshape my body? I mean, what do I need to do to look okay in a bathing suit??? Currently, I am doing mega step blast about 4 times a week. I have also started going to an aerobics class for one hour, twice a week. I have body max and circuit max (have never used either). I ordered the six pack. I also have a firm tape (45 min tape for the buns). I have never stuck to an exercise regime for very long, but I am now ready to do it! Please, tell me what tapes to order, or what activities to do!!

How long should I be working out to expect results? I realized after looking at all of your check-ins that I am not nearly doing enough!! Also, how long does it take to see results, and what kind of results can I expect?

I am 5'4", (currently 128 lbs). I would appreciate any advice you all could give me...I am serious about wanting to walk on the beach next May without a huge t-shirt covering me up! Honestly, health and well-being are my true goals....but gosh....looking good in a bikini sure would be a great bonus!!

Thanks and sorry this was so long!
Your mix needs some strength training...

....and I see you have Bodymax and have ordered the new tapes. You will get a lot of strength training from those new tapes. But if you've never done weights, you need to ease into it. Did I read your post right, and I'm I making the correct assumption that you are not strength training at the momoent?

It doesn't seem to me that your weight is out of line, I'll bet you just need to tighten up. Weights will do that!!!
I agree

Weight training will really help get you the look you want. Also,please don't use our check-ins to bring yourself down. Most of us have been doing both cardio and weights for quite some time now. We sure didn't do as much when we first started. If you jump in too fast, you may hurt yourself or get burned out. Start slowly, and you'll start getting the results you want. This is a lifetime committment, so you have plenty of time!

Ditto on Honeybunch and Erin

(1) Please don't compare yourself to the people in the check-ins. The check-in crowd are mostly people who've been working out for years and years. Some work out so long and so intensely because they're training for a sporting event or because they just LOVE exercise. But it is not necessary to exercise that much if your goals are to burn fat and to build shapely, toned muscles.

(2) Weight training may do more for you than increased cardio. I was a cardio queen and was thrilled with how my muscles toned up and my skin tautened up when I began to incorporated strength routines into my schedule. Cathe makes just about the strength training videos in the world. I'd urge you to check out her Maximum Intensity Strength as a great, tough total body weight training tape.

Good luck on the bikini. Sometimes you gotta stop worrying about the scale and just go for it. It's all in your attitude!
I used to feel shrink-wrapped!

When I began losing weight last year, I was excited by what the scale said but not as much what the mirror showed. I told my husband that all the same lumps and bumps are there, just smaller!

Well, I have survived most of my first summer with my new body (15 pounds lighter than last year)and have decided that, though not perfect, it is very acceptable. Creating my own vision of health rather than conforming to mass media/pop culture ideals has been very freeing.

Have fun as you exercise then walk the beach with confidence next year!!!

I agree, I agree

I agree with the advice to start adding some strength training to your mix....maybe continue with cardio 4-5x/week and do two strength training sessions on the other days of the week.
Hopefully this would keep your workouts to about 1 hour per day just in case time is a factor (with starting a new job). You could use the strengthening from BodyMax which you already have or invest in Maximum Intensity Strength, as Daphne suggested, as these both provide good total body weight routines.

OR...once you get the new tapes, the six-pack will provide you with all-in-one cardio strength work...a little of each on most days so then you could work these into the mix or do the six-pack on alternating weeks with your regular routine. As you can probably tell, the possibilities are endless, and, I know I may be biased, but I think that Cathe's tapes are your best bet for variety and creative formatting!

Enjoy your workouts and good luck with the bikini issue (we've all been through it

Add weights

You will not believe the difference weights can make. Cross-train and you will get that new body. Enjoy the journey! Exercise can be fun.
Thanks everyone! And 1 more q.....

Thanks for the responses! Let me ask one other question....will the weight part of the six pack videos be sufficient? Okay, I lied....two questions. How long does it take to see a difference? And will doing weights get rid of the cellulite? (lie to me, please!) lol.

Again, thanks for all the responses! I went out last night and bought some weights to get started!!

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