77 Who's Whos forms are in!


...And I am waiting for pix from 12 people, which makes 89.

So that makes 17 Road Trippers who haven't sent me anything at all on Who's Who. Seriously, we're not nagging, we just really don't want to leave anyone out who would like to be included.

Ladies, please let me know by Saturday if you DON'T want to be included :-(, or send me your form and let me know about your picture (yes/no), okay??


http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://planetsmilies.net/sport-smiley-5536.gif
The number one procrastinator (that would be me, lol) will send it to you this evening. I have it all finished at home. Ugh.

Thanks so much to all of you for everything!

Kathy G
Big oops on my part -- please read!

Well, so math's not my strong suit -- I miscounted and seems I counted the people from whom I am expecting pix.

So here's the corrected Wall of Shame ;-) (just kidding) list as of 4:30 EDT today, ladies. If your name is on this list, I either don't have anything from you, or the list indicates what I'm waiting for to complete your Who's Who book entry.

Listen, y'all, a question has arisen re: pix, and here's the answer: Your pic doesn't have to be recent, and it doesn't even have to be a headshot. Recent headshot is just preferred since it's gonna be reduced to 2 x 2 inches or so for the page. But feel free to send me a family pic, an old pic, whatever -- this is just a tool to help us put faces and names together, get to know each other and remember each other after the RT. :)

I'm going to e-mail this, too, but figured I'd post here to cover all bases. Thanks everybody!

1. Bassett
2. Bragg (sister)
3. Bragg (sister)
4. Bragg (mom)
5. Burke (have pic, waiting for form)
6. Constantine
7. Cunningham
8. Davis (waiting for pic)
9. Davison
10. Evans
11. Gonzales
12. Graf
13. Graham
14. Haines (waiting for pic?)
15. Holler
16. Hollingshead (waiting for pic, can you believe that? ☺)
17. Hryckowian
18. Jones
19. LaMastus-Waite (waiting for pic)
20. Liddell
21. Malcolm (waiting for pic)
22. Mascho (waiting for pic)
23. Nofer (waiting for pic)
24. Poundstone (waiting for pic)
25. Purcell (waiting for pic)
26. Seedorf (waiting for pic)
27. Shero
28. Solomon
29. Stegall
30. Tousley
31. Trenberth
32. Walker
33. Webb
34. Wynkoop (need mom's, have Cher’s)
35. Za Gara
36. Za Gara

http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://planetsmilies.net/sport-smiley-5536.gif
RE: Big oops on my part -- please read!

Re: 16. Hollingshead (waiting for pic, can you believe that?
I have OFFICIALLY been taken off the Shame List! Pic was in her hands last nite BEFORE MIDNIGHT! :7


Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
RE:my photo is not happening...

Sorry, I couldn't get my act together, so I won't be sending a photo after all. (Since it's past the deadline, you may have already given up on me, but I wanted to end all suspense.) Thank you very much for putting this book together. It will be a great souvenir!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.

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