6 weeks to vacation!


OK, crunch time. I'm going from sweats and crockpot dinners to bathing suits and tank tops in 6 weeks:eek: I'm really cleaning up my eating, even gave up sugar:7 Now for my workouts(I don't have many DVDs and I only have about an hour a day), should I focus on a total body w/o 3 days a week and 2-3 days of cardio for fat loss or should I split upper and lower? My legs usually(I hope) respond fast but my upper body takes a lot of working to show definition. I really want to look good in a tank top so I want to fry my upper body while also leaning out legs and butt. Any advice is MUCH appreciated. Thank you all so much:)
What about something like this?

1)chest and back
2)lower body and cardio
3)bi's and tri's
4)shoulders and cardio
6)full body work out

You will only weight train each body part 2x per week but this will allow you to hit each muscle group harder then if you were to do all full body work outs or even upper and lower splits. You can put the body parts in whatever order you prefer. I chose a random order as an idea to start with. There's so many ways to do it!:)
thanks Wendy. That sounds good. I did bootcamp this morning since I didn't w/o the past 2 days(kids and DH sick) and I was really busy. I'll just do cardio tomorrow to rest on Sunday and then off with that rotation. Thanks again for the response:)

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