6 weeks pregnant- which Cathes?


Active Member
Hi all, I've just found out that I'm pregnant! About 6 weeks, we think. :D

However, I'm feeling very sick and a bit wobbly. I've been doing 4DS with light weights and keeping my HR below 150, and also the Timesavers. (I'm a regular Cathe user, by the way.)

This is getting to be too much- I'm 38 and the sickness is pretty severe (but no vomiting.)

What would you recommend? The low impact tapes? I have Low Impact Circuit, Basic Step, Low Impact Step, Low Max etc. Or should I switch to preggo workouts only (although these do seem too easy.)

I'm a healthy weight, blood pressure is low, and apart from the sickness, I feel OK (just a little tired.)

Thanks in advance.

Congrats on the pregnancy!! i would either just modify your workouts or go with the low impact workouts. I never did a prenantal workout during my whole pregnancy. I just tried to either modify the ones i had or did easier workouts. I did some karen voight workouts also. The first trimester was not fun but during the second you will have more energy. Good luck with everything.
I'm 21 weeks now, and have been using the low impact videos that you mentioned. I had to lower my step to just the board, as I found early that my heart rate shot up VERY quickly and easily. But apart from that, I haven't done much else for modification. I use the talk test for heart rate, so I have no idea what my heart rate has been. But my little man is healthy and active so far, so that's all I need to know!

I did try ONE prenatal video, and it was the most boring thing in the world. I couldn't understand how it could be classified as fitness, in fact.
Congratulation RubyBlue!

I don't have anything to add to the advice you've gotten already - just wanted to offer congrats!

You must be due about the same time as me and Jen.
Enjoy your pregnancy!!!:D
Oh, thanks, everyone! Congratulations to you, too! Yes, I'm due at around the same time as you two!!

I'm very excited but I've just had another bout of nausea- yuk!

In any case, I'll stick to your advice and keep it to the low impact tapes. I have bought some preggo tapes but I am having severe buyer's remorse now I look more closely at the reviews. Ah, well, I should know better- stick to Cathe! ;)

Thanks again, I feel a lot more confident about sticking to these tapes. Yes, I've found my hear rate shooting up too and I'm being careful to just walk it out when that happens.

Thanks again! I'll keep checking here to see how everyone is doing. :7 Hope you're all staying well!
In my 1st preg I NEVER worked out.
2nd preg I alternated, get this, DENISE AUSTIN and KATHY SMITH preg VHS!!! I can't believe I didn't LOSE MY MIND!!!:+
I found Cathe shortly after DD2 was born. I plan on Imaxing all the way to the delivery room!!

I can't imagine doing a "pregnancy" workout. I better watch what I say though - maybe things won't go as well as I'm planning and I'll be forced to do them!:7
Yes, I've got the Kathy Smith one coming and now I've seen a clip of the 'pregnancy rap' I really do NOT want to do it!!!

Congrats!!!!! I am about 7 weeks right now. I have had days that I have felt very lightheaded and have not had much of an appetite. I have not thrown up either. Since I had some light spotting last week, I didn't workout until lastnight. I love Cathe, and I just modify. Lastnight, I did Bootcamp 4-Day Split. I didn't do all the squat thrusts, but I did feel like doing all the butt kicks, so I did them. I had a pregnancy DVD too (one by Leisa Hart-the spokesperson for direct buy), and it was HORRIBLE!!!!!!! At least, you should be able to sell them on ebay! There is a good beginner Cathe DVD that can still deliver a great workout. It's the Basic Step one ( I can't remember the title, but that would work too). I also do some Turbo Jams, and I can modify them too. Now that my spotting scare is over, I want to jump back into working out regularly.
p.s. Join us at the pregnancy forum for great support, laughs and advice.
Hi Jen, thanks for this! Annoyingly I've also got Leisa Hart coming....oh well, another for the e-bay pile!

Thanks for the Basic Step tip- I haven't one that in ages. Glad your spotting has stopped and congrats & good luck!

Thanks for the forum invite- I'll keep popping in when I can! Cheers!

The preg rap is kind of cute! I need to find my VHS! I'm getting nostalgic about my 2nd pregnancy now!!

I'm thinking about getting an elliptical for those many days lately that I just don't have the energy to step but want to do something. I can't wait for it to be nice out so I can walk outside! The downside to that though is we live on a country road and DH doesn't like me to walk on it because cars drive so fast on it. Hopefully I'll just be feeling better soon and can get back to Imaxing! I've felt really good this afternoon and evening.
An elliptical is a great idea- I wish I had the space!

Glad you're feeling good. Hope you can get the IMAX out again soon- I think I may have to wait for those ones.

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