6 Small Meals/Low Calories


Hi Everyone!

I am a little confused about something and I'd love to hear what everyone thinks. I have read several times that eating too few calories will slow down metabolism and cause your body to hold on to body fat, thus making losing body fat more difficult. I have also read how eating small, frequent meals throughout the day will help to speed up metabolism. I have been eating 5 or 6 small meals per day, but when I add up the calories from the meals, it is fairly low, at about 1200-1400 calories per day. My question is, is my metabolism going to slow down, even though I am eating every 2-3 hours? My meals consist of a protein (such as cottage cheese, tuna or chicken ) and a carb such as fruit or low fat yogurt, and I also eat veggies at two meals (I am following the BFL way of eating).

I am looking to reduce body fat, and gain some lean muscle.

Any thoughts?
I'd like the answer to that also.
From what I've seen in before and afters, it seems like it works.
Maybe if it doesn't seem like it works, add a few extra calories in a couple meals and see if that helps.

I think you will lose weight (or body fat) eventually if you are expending more calories than you are taking in. Eating often will help with the metabolism. But from what I've heard, if you eat a low amount of cals and exercise intensely on a regular basis, the body eventually recognises that pattern and turns down its thermostat to adapt/ conserve energy. That is apparently the eventuality of a low cal diet. Also you are more likely to lose muscle when you cut cals drastically and muscle is the metabolically most active tissue in the human body.

Perhaps you could try the raising those cals on a couple of days during the week? That should keep the body guessing and give your metabolism an occassional boost. Also keep lifting to preserve lean muscle mass. Hope that helps.
This is why I follow the calorie staggering plan. I eat 1200,1500,1800,1200,1500,1000,2000 in a week. The average is still low, I have lost weight when I wasn't losing for years, it is psychologically and physically easier to maintain, but most importantly, it doesn't let your metabolism "reset". Because you have 2 "refeeding" days. You also feel stronger.
I have thought about that, eating more calories one day and less the next. Maybe I'll try that. Sometimes I do feel sluggish and have low energy, but when I add in some more calories, I feel better.

Thanks for the suggestions!
I have followed this way of eating for about 3 years now and have found that it works well for me to maintain energy and keep my weight down. I usually have a bigger meal (~500 cals) right after I workout or I will get really hungry and tired for the rest of the day (or next day) if I don't. If I don't workout on a particular day then I keep my calories around 1200 (1400-1600 on workout days). This way, I naturally cycle my calories. The key to eating this way (for me at least) is to allow a bigger meal when I feel like I need it, but only that one meal, and then continue with ~200 cal meals for the rest of the day. Hope this info is helpful.

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