3rd Phase P90X

I don't know if anyone will even respond to this question, but here goes. I'm in my third phase of the classic rotation, the last part, I plan to do the program again when I finish given a few weeks rest. My question is this, I really seem to be tired, I know they tell us to eat more carbs during this phase because of the energy expended, has anyone else experienced this? I'm trying to figure out if I'm just more fatigued these days or if it could possibly be the workout? I've heard you actually progress the most during your last phase? I don't know. Any responses would be helpful. Thanks.

I'll be entering my 3rd phase of P90X next week. You may have to take an early recovery week if you're feeling too spent OR try to tweak your diet. Try adding a little more lean protien and good fats (i.e. teaspoon of flax, olive or canola oil) to salad or stirfry or a few almonds or walnuts each day.

Try change and give it a couple of weeks for your system to adjust, if this doesn't help than you may be overtrained.


Now that I'm entering the 3rd phase I am getting a little tired. So I listen to my body. I'd rather take an extra rest day, than to risk an injury.

Remember listen to your body.:)
Hi Mic! Yes the 3rd Phase is intense due to the fact of switching Phase 1 & 2 back and forth each week. I found I was lagging when I started my 10th week so had to up the carbs b/c I BONKED very badly one night. You know what the high carbs are: brown rice/pasta/yams eat more fruit & adding some peanut butter to your oatmeal if you happen to eat it. I had tried following the Phase 3 nutrition but it was adding too much sugar & it didn't do anything for my energy level except hamper my results. I just stuck with what I already know & upped the carbs. When I did this, I had more energy & really BROUGHT IT by the 12th week. I couldn't believe how many pushups/pullups/chinups not to mention lifting far more weight than when I started. I'm now much leaner than when I first started. Good luck to you! Kathy:D
I am in the 10th week (2nd week of the 3rd phase) and I have been really tired this week and last week too. It didn't occur to me that this may have something to do with the workout. Hmmm, maybe I will take an extra rest day this week.
Hi Caren! Your body will adjust to the new intensity just eat more & get more rest & by the 12th week you'll be amazed at your new gains! Keep it up & good luck! Kathy:D
I found phase three to be very intense! I extended it from 4 weeks to closer to 5 by adding some needed rest days. I think Phase 1 and Phase 2 programmed us to get used to 3 weeks until recovery, then along comes Phase 3, and the fourth week is a killer!
Good to know this was not just my imagination. Thanks to all of you for your good advice and for letting me know that there are those of you who have already gone through it and some are going through it right now. I think first I'll try to go with tweaking my diet a little and see if that helps, otherwise I may have to add a rest day. It's a terrific workout, I'm anxious to see what Cathe has coming but I've also wondered if BeachBody is going to come out with something else as great as P90X!! It's such a great program to see solid results in a fairly short amount of time. Thanks everybody for responding, I didn't think anyone would. Thanks!

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