3D u/s


anyone had a 3D u/s or thinking of getting one? i am reading on other forums about gals that got them and they sound and look so cool. so now i am thinking of finding a place (hopefully my doc's office) that does the 3D u/s.
I never had one done but my friend did. It was wild because you could recognize the baby from the u/d pic as the 3 wk old she was at the time. As cool as it was, I didn't want one because then I'd know what my baby would look like and I wanted that to be a surprise....I must admit it was tempting though.


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
I've never seen any pics from the 3-D ones. I don't know anyone that has had one done. I asked my midwife if the hospital I'm using does them and she said that they only do them in high risk circumstances.
They are pretty neat, but a little strange in a way too. I had them weekly during the last month with my 2nd child to monitor fluid levels, placenta placement etc. By the time I gave birth I felt that I already knew exactly what he looked like, even down to his eyebrows and lashes. It was fun, but I think I like the surprise of seeing what the baby looks like at delivery. :) Heather
I am 28 weeks and will be going for one this Friday. I was told to go after 27 weeks so that there is a little bit of fat on the baby to get an idea of how she'll look. In Kansas City, it costs $100.00 and you get a DVD and black and white photos. They give you about an hour for the visit. My sister in-law did it and the baby looked very similiar to the photos when it was born. It should be fun, I also thought it would neat for my 6 and 8 year old boys to see the baby before its born!
I am having a 4D done tomorrow. My husband and I are VERY excited. In Florida is costs $125.00 and I will also get a DVD and photos. Ours will do done in our Dr. office. I am 28 weeks and I am hoping that he isn't hiding his face :) My mother is going along with us...early mothers day gift!

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