38 1/2 weeks and miserable


I know this should be the happiest time of my life but I am miserable I am borderline deppression. I cannot sleep It hurts when I walk this is my 3rd pregnancy and its the first time I feel so horrible.I have even tried asking my doctor to induce but he's a no go he says unless there is something wrong I have to wait.
The waiting is killing me only because of all the pain and misery I am feeling.
Does anyone know how I can speed up the process?
I will take any advice
Thanks In Advance,
I feel your pain!

I am 40 weeks and miserable pretty much describes me too! I had a doctor's appointment this morning and I'm not progressing at all, except that my cervix has "thinned out" a little. Doctor said it could happen any day...or within the next two weeks. So much for an accurate prediction.

I liken this part of the pregnancy like running a marathon. You FINALLY crawl across the finish line, gasping for breath, legs on fire, without an ounce of energy left...and the officials tell you to keep on running.

It's sooooooo difficult to even THINK of going another day, much less two weeks, so I'm trying hard to just take it day by day. What else can we do?

You can try all the tricks, lots of walking, sex, spicy food...even if it doesn't work, they will at least make us think that we are doing SOMETHING productive to bring on labor. Try to get some rest and indulge in something that makes you feel good. Go to the movies, read a book, get a manicure...ANYTHING to get your mind of the misery and anxiety.

Hang in there Marisol...it will be over soon and you will have a precious new baby in your arms.

I'm wishing you the best of luck!
Hi Marisol! Oh I'm so sorry to hear of your pain, really I am. All I have ever heard to do at the end was walk or engage is some "frisky" activities ;-), to help bring it on. But from anyone I have ever spoken to, this did not really do much. Maybe it is prescribed simply to distract you from wondering when you are going to have the baby. Rent some funny movies or have some friends over for decaf and dessert. Just some ideas. Good luck to you in the upcoming days, it certainly will be worth every bit of this wait. Take Care!
RE: I feel your pain!

Awww listening to you makes me feel so bad here I am complaining and I haven't even reached my date and you are there.
Thanks for encouraging me. I remember with my first i was late 8 days but back then it did not matter I was not anxious or concerned but with this one I pray daily and ask The lord for strenghth because I don't know how much more I can take.
Out of curiosity have you tried all of the things you mentioned.
And also is this your first?
Thanks Cathe,
I'm in so much pain that even the frisky activities are not to pleasing these days but I guess I will have to try and do something or I will bust.
Thanks again
Hi again...

...well, I've been walking as much as I can manage though it's quite uncomfortable. If nothing else, it helps to keep me active and clear my head. I haven't tried the sex thing...for the same reasons you mention, but I told my husband that tonight's the night...and tomorrow night...and the next...until this baby comes!!!

Out of curiosity, have you had an internal exam yet? Are you dilated? My doctor said that I'm only a fingertip dilated but that I'm "thinning out"...which means...nada?

I'm right there with ya!
I'm with ya sweetie!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-02 AT 01:53PM (Est)[/font][p]I hear ya!! I can identify with the pain BIG TIME. I'm only 35 weeks but I've never been more ready to have a baby in my life. My cervix is also long and not budging. I'm having anywhere from 3 - 5 contractions an hour and they HURT!

They only thing that I know of to help bring labor on is walking. Of course, that hurts! But it really is the only thing that I know of that works. The one thing you can count on is that it won't be long. I know every day seems like an eternity but at least we're not starting from square 1 :eek: Try to focus on that beautiful baby that you'll be holding and smelling in no time :)


Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
Try balsamic viniagrette dressing on your salad. My friend kept telling me to do this. I was 9 days overdue with Jack who just celebrated his 1st birthday on 01/15/02. Anyway, the day he was born I had 2 salads with the balsamic viniagrette! I hadn't had it any other days thinking it was another old wives' tale. Maybe it was...or maybe it wasn't! Jack was my third too, maybe they like to hang in there longer when it is a second + pregnancy. One thing is for sure, when he decided he was coming, he didn't waste any time. Forty minutes from the time my water broke, way intense!! Good luck.

Angie Rogerson
Monroe, WI
Don't think of it as a sexy moment -- think of sex as a prostaglandin treatment. :)

I spent the better part of my last two days of my last pregnancy in tears ... I think it's God's way of getting us ready for labor. We're so uncomfortable that the idea of pain sounds pretty darn good! :)

Hang in there -- you are SO right there!
Ask your doctor to "strip your membranes" at your next visit...it hurts but done all the time at 38 wks and usually helps bring on labor in about 2-3 days...I have heard of a herbal medication which also induces labor,,,one of my fellow nursing friends took and it worked however I would never recommend anything like that to you!!!!!Good luck with your delivery...I feel your pain!!!!!
RE: Hi again...

I have had an exam I am 1cm and long and from what I've heard once you have had previous pregnancies you always remain 1cm dilated so no dice but I have started the frisky activities.
My poor husband sometimes i see him just as a labor inducing machine(LOL).
Hi Marisol,

By now you must be very close to the end so I hope you are doing ok. I don't have any new advice but just wanted to send my wishes for you to have the baby soon and have a nice delivery to make up for the last few weeks of discomfort! I will look forward to seeing you post the good news soon :)

Hi Marisol!

Joining the others in wishing you a speedy labor and delivery!! It will be sooo worth it. Hang in there just a lil' longer! We haven't heard from you since yesterday??? Any news yet!!?? Thinking of you.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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