15 pounds and....


I have lost 15 pounds and injured my knee :( it hurts to walk, I do spin class and had a hard time getting through it, will my knee brace help the impact any? I really don't want to stop working out again and fail at my weight loss, I still need 40 more to go
Get a professional to diagnose the issue, follow their instructions to the letter, and you'll heal much faster and be back spinning before you know it. Don't try to bike through the pain. Try non-impact activities, like swimming, in the meantime. Fitness is a lifelong journey; it's not just about the next workout. You want to be healthy and injury free forever, not just for now. This is a minor setback in the grand scheme of things, and if you learn from your mistakes this time, you won't make a more serious mistake next time and really slow yourself down.
I have lost 15 pounds and injured my knee :( it hurts to walk, I do spin class and had a hard time getting through it, will my knee brace help the impact any? I really don't want to stop working out again and fail at my weight loss, I still need 40 more to go

Pain is a sign to stop.

Get a professional to diagnose the issue, follow their instructions to the letter, and you'll heal much faster and be back spinning before you know it. Don't try to bike through the pain. Try non-impact activities, like swimming, in the meantime. Fitness is a lifelong journey; it's not just about the next workout. You want to be healthy and injury free forever, not just for now. This is a minor setback in the grand scheme of things, and if you learn from your mistakes this time, you won't make a more serious mistake next time and really slow yourself down.

Yes. Morningstar is always right.

(MIAR for short- thinking of where to tattoo it.)
Janis;2026135 Yes. Morningstar is always right. (MIAR for short- thinking of where to tattoo it.) :D[/QUOTE said:
*Snicker* Yes, she is ;)

As a knee injury pro *sigh* I'm gonna 2nd the go to the Dr and the brace is a no go. The brace will hold your parts together, but you will be relying on the brace for stability/support and may make it worse, but reducing your own natural stability mechanisms.

If it's a little stiff/sore I'd give a few days rest, and try again. If it seriously hurts - get thee to physician. Trust me, if it really hurts, waiting isn't going to make it any better. True pain is a sign something is wrong.

As a side note, after 2 knee surgeries on the same knee, I can do all the high impact I want, heavy squats and lunges - no issues. However, biking and swimming hurt like a SOB!!!!! The push down on the bike pedal and the kick in the swim - ow! Dr thinks I'm nuts :p (good naturedly) but I can't do that stuff, it hurts. Bouncing and banging, that my knees can handle. Who knows? I'm weird I guess.

Good luck, and take care of your knee, you need it!

Get a professional to diagnose the issue, follow their instructions to the letter, and you'll heal much faster and be back spinning before you know it. Don't try to bike through the pain. Try non-impact activities, like swimming, in the meantime. Fitness is a lifelong journey; it's not just about the next workout. You want to be healthy and injury free forever, not just for now. This is a minor setback in the grand scheme of things, and if you learn from your mistakes this time, you won't make a more serious mistake next time and really slow yourself down.

What M-Star said. Please take it easy. Also, don't be too worried about the weight gain, several years ago I lost 25 pounds sitting on my butt healing from multiple fractures in my right foot. (actually, I pulverized several toes, they couldn't tell me how many pieces there were because they don't count that high.) So, just watch your diet, do non-impact work, do some deep breathing, and relax, stress is the biggest enemy of weight loss that I know.

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