12-Week Check-in for Sunday, May 14, 2006


Good morning! I started my CTX Series rotation this morning with 10*10*10 for the first time. Oh my! This may be an express workout, but it is very intense. It is also fun, fun, fun! :7 I even enjoyed the weight work at the end. My triceps are fried. I bought CTX Upper Body during the VHS sale last year, tried it once in December after my first Slow and Heavy Series rotation, and did not like it at all. I thought it was too frantic and too easy. What was I thinking! My perception has obviously changed! At this point in my journey, the whole upper body split would be super challenging for me. Of course, I have been doing circuit training and cardio exclusively since March. I can see why everyone loves the CTX Series!

I still weigh 195 pounds this morning. The 15 pounds of bloat from my soy reaction has not departed, but at least I feel better after working out with Cathe this morning. :) I am planning to eat plenty of fresh fruit this week and drink a gallon of water every day. Hopefully, that will flush it out.

This is my planned rotation for the next 3-4 weeks:

Sunday - 10*10*10 (triceps)
Monday - Kickbox (biceps)
Tuesday - Leaner Legs + cardio gliding (homemade circuit)
Wednesday - Step and Intervals (chest)
Thursday - Power Circuit (back)
Friday - rest
Saturday - Leaner Legs + All Step (shoulders)

I need to get ready for worship. Have a blessed Sunday and Mother’s Day! :)

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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